What does it mean to Yield?

Acquiesce: to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
Breath Breathe
Consider Conscious Connection to the earth
Do nothing
Ease into it
Find peace
Go no where... get Grounded
Honoring your body
"It's a letting go of resistance that allows the active force to be successful without being aggressive"
Just all Joy to flow
Ken is my favorite example of Joy though Yoga
Links: http://www.movingintostillness.com/book/yoga_breathing.html
"Every yoga posture involves a "push" and a "yield."
Pushing is an active force that moves the body further and deeper into the posture,
gently exploring areas of tightness.
Yielding is a passive force with which you wait and
Listen to the moment-to-moment feedback from your body...
The pushing and yielding elements occur simultaneously, as in a dance.
Done properly, therefore, yoga is a matter of pushing and yielding,
of "doing" and "not-doing," at the same time. "  ~ Erich Schiffman

Not doing
Open to...
Push vs. yield
Question: In yogi terms would you define "yield" and as grounding, connection?
Slow down Surrender
Think of it as though you've walked into a new studio and the teacher describes yield as stated above

Yield the verb - to produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).
              verb synonyms: surrender - give in - produce - bear
Yield - the noun - the full amount of an agricultural or industrial product: "the milk yield was poor".
noun. crop - harvest - output - produce - product - production

More at: An appropriate response: Everything is waiting for you

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