April 30, 2013: Last day of classes for Meredith

Ask your heart what she thinks
Divine Direction
Furtive: stealth or underhanded
Guidance: with big letters and short words
"It is when we're given choices that we sit with the gods and design ourselves." ~ Dorothy Gilman
Just move on
Kind of morning..
Let go of yesterday "Let it Be"
Make amends and Move on
New day, new blog post
Peace and Plenty: "Ponder the Possibilities" p. 270
Quiet time this morning led to most of this post
There will be an answer [let it be]

Whisper Words of Wisdom
"Yesterday...all my troubles seemed so far away..." No they didn't!
Zero in on the present moment

National Cartwheel Day - so I gifted my cartwheel to... Eloise Grathwohl, because it is also her birthday!

Behoove: to be necessary, proper, or advantageous
Cartwheels to Celebrate National Cartwheeling Day
DQ for Dinner
"Everythin' means somethin'." ~ Ethan quoting Amma in Beautiful Darkness
Grathwohl Birthday
Happy Birthday to my friend, English major advisor/professor Dr. Eloise Grathwohl
Jackal on The West Wing
Ken Victoria's Birthday today too
Make someone else's day
National Cartwheel Day - who knew! :)
Obfuscating: Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible
Xenophobic : abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign

Sunday - April 28, 2013


Hakuna matata

Lion King

Quid pro quo
Rafiki: "It is time"



Today's the day... I hope

Act As if
Cartwheels Can't hurt either
Dare, then eat Donuts :)

Elizabeth's Johnstone's Elixir
Flying yogini
Grape nuts for breakfast
I surrender

Lavender bubble bath, with "real" Lavender from the garden
Mom's text Messages help More than she knows...
Novel Matters image for Carrie's Birthday
Open to the
Possibilities that reveal themselves
Quay: A wharf or reinforced bank where ships are loaded or unloaded.
Reading, Resting and Relaxing
Today is THE day...

We must be aware of the real problems of the world. Then, with mindfulness, we will know what to do and what not to do to be of help." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
eXhausted enough to nap in my hammock

Zymurgy:  branch of chemistry that deals with fermentation processes, as in brewing.

And all shall be well...

Cuddle puddle: A group of people cuddling en masse to comfort each other or express mutual friendship
Daily bread
Eccentric Etiquette

Have another showing scheduled for 3-5pm today... please God, guide them...

Joy makers...
Long hot bubble bath

"No Mistakes" by Patty Smyth: "It takes what it takes and sometimes / It takes much more than it should
Perfect Pets
Queen Buttercup: another character from A Little Book of Sloth by Lucy Cooke
Snuggle partner
Thank you April :) I needed that!
Ubu is one of the sloths in A Little Book of Sloth by Lucy Cooke
Very much how I feel right now...

Xenarthrans:  a group of placental mammals, extant today only in the Americas and represented by anteaters, tree sloths, and armadillos

Earth Day, April 22, 2013

“A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.” ― Roald Dahl 
"Bubbles Bubbles everywhere, But not a drop to drink" ~ Willy Wonka

Dear Lord, Thank you for getting us this far into the process...

Earth Day

Frippery: something showy, Frivolous or nonessential
Grateful for everything we have and have experienced

Keep it up :)

Letting go...

"May all beings awaken to our interdependence. Blessings on earth day!" ~ Tara Brach
Nascent powers:  Just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential
Pure imagination...
Quitting is starting to look good

"Where is fancy bred? In the heart or in the head?" ~ Willy Wonka
Zephyanthus drummondi

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Books, Books, and more BOOKS!
Claire, please sell our house today. Thank you.
Dear God, Please guide the buyers to their new home today. Thank you. Amen.
Elizabeth, please relax and know everything WILL be ok
Great things in store for us
"Have a sense of humor about the fact that your mind is like a wild monkey. " -Pema Chodron
I am ready to let go of the past and move forward
"Just" words? Never
Kim Sajkowicz Matarese's Birthday is today! 
Listening to Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Move forward
Open house today - hopeful 
Phlox - "Our souls are united"

Quiet Sunday morning, for now
Reading Peace and Plenty by  Sarah BanBreathnach
Slough of despond p. 253 : a state of extreme depression

Unveil to us that which needs to be done next

eXplore the eXtraordinary 

Saturday, April 20, 2013 -- U is for Understanding

Cues from God: Good  Orderly Directions
Divine Grace
Elizabeth and Misty got to stay put for the whole morning
Fun Fort idea: see below
"God is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves"

"Invite Good Orderly Direction into the handling of financial affairs" ~ Sarah BanBreathnach
Knees, Knowledge combo
Look in the dark corners
Moxie p. 249
National juggling day was Thursday
Ordinary Time by Nancy Mairs

Question I am asked most often lately: "Where are you going?"
Recognizing Ripples of Remorse p. 225

Unyielding intensity p. 224
Vulnerability: the ability to allow myself to be vulnerable
Wisdom: Whoever loves you when you need them is your family
Yoga garden

T is for Truths... Friday, April 19, 2013

Baron Baptiste: "Your greatest tests will come in the darkest moments when your soul is being squeezed. That's when you want to be grounded in your bigger purpose - your North Star."

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world” World Hug... C.S. Lewis
Hugs Heal



"Quietism is The Way of Lao Tzu, and it has never been more relevant than it is today" From the back cover

Tao Te Ching Witter Bynner translation

Sometime the best way to deliver a punch is to step back... But step back too far and you ain't fighting at all.
Million Dollar Baby