Kindness : A to Z

Assistance, Affection, Attentiveness
Blessing: "But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil." Luke 6:35 
Compassion, Courage
Demonstration of faith: "Do not let kindness and truth leave you." ~ Proverbs 3:3
 thank you, Brandy
Favor, Friendship
Grace, Generosity, Goodwill
Heart, Humility, and Harmony
Do Justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God ~ Micah 6:8
Love, Liberty
Lord, have mercy on and loving-kindness for us, for we are exceedingly satiated with contempt.
"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience..." Colossians 3:12
Responsiveness, Regard
Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted and keep a humble attitude." 1 Peter 3:8
Tenderness, Thoughtfulness
Understanding, Unselfishness
Verse: Galatians 5:22-23
Warmth, Wonder
eXtra important eXercise: "Come up with more words that are close to or related to kindness"
Zeal and Zest for life, shared as an outpouring of genuine kindness for all others

The Vision: The Final Quest & The Call by Rick Joyner

"As long as any are wounded, He is wounded." p. 50 The Vision: Final Quest by Rick Joyner
"Because He is in you... Because you have climbed the mountain... not because I have entered your realm, but Because you have entered mine." p. 36
Courage p. 11 The Final Quest "Carnal nature had to be cut away." p. 257 The Call
Determination p. 11 The Final Quest...His Disciple will be known by their love, and love does not 
fear. Only true love can bring true unity. Those who love will never fall. True love does not grow cold, but true love does grow. p. 207-8 The Call
"Embrace the cross that circumcises the heart." p. 258
"Faith, Hope and Love immediately came and stood behind the army." p. 11 "Faith, Hope and Love -- and the Kingdom of God they stand upon." p. 24 The Final Quest
"Garden of God under the Tree of Life. It seemed that the entire army was there, many of them kneeling before the Lord Jesus." p. 25 The Final Quest
"Humility...You will not be able to see very well without it." p. 37 The Final Quest
"It is wisdom to love, and I could not be Wisdom if I did not love you. It is also wisdom to behold the kindness and the severity of God. It is wisdom to love Him and to fear Him." p. 32 The Final Quest
Just as there is a time to plant and a time to reap, there are time to adore the Lord, and there are times to honor Him with the greatest fear and respect." p. 32 The Final Quest
"Keep me on the right path." I will indeed," he replied. p. 31 The Final Quest
"Lord, forgive my unbelief...Please help me never to leave or forsake You.” p. 31 The Final Quest
Many believe in the Holy Spirit, but few make room for Him in their lives." p. 173 The Call
Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your Neighbor is the holiest object presented to your sense.” ~ C.S. Lewis  The Weight of Glory
"Obvious that these believers had Only to stop agreeing with their demons in Order to get free of them." p. 3 The Final Quest  by Rick Joyner
Paul : "His words are the foundation." p. 121 Chapter 5, The Final Quest
"Quoting Scriptures, perverting them in a way that would justify the bitterness, accusations or other satanic influences they were spreading." p. 3 The Final Quest  by Rick Joyner
Reality Discovered p. 35 The Final Quest  Rediscovering the Foundation p. 121 The Call
Spiritual maturity is always determined by our willingness to Sacrifice our own desires for the interests of the kingdom or for the sake of others. The door that requires the most Sacrifice to enter will always take us to the highest level.” p. 53 The Final Quest
They cannot be acquired physically, but every Treasure that you hold in your hands you will be able to carry in your heart.” p. 54
Unity of the Brethren p. 13 Unity will come to the Lord’s people who dwell on the earth. p. 207
Walking in the light” means no more hiding—from God or anyone else. The nakedness of Adam and Eve before the fall was not just physical, but spiritual as well.” p. 114 The Final Quest
EXperiencing God by Henry Blackaby: "... it is not enough just to know about God, but you need to be in an intimate daily fellowship with Him." qtd. Wisdom Hunters Podcast "Spiritually Engaged" 9/16/20
You are clothed in the grace of God. There is no greater power than that!” p. 42 “Your heart is meant to be the treasure house of God." p. 54
"Zealously serving the Lord." p. 138

Apprentice of Jesus - Renovation of the Heart

Apprentice of Jesus Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard
Being devoted to one another in family-like love... Being at peace with everyone. p. 196
"Consciously chosen and sustained relationship of interaction between the Lord and his apprentice, in which the apprentice is able to do, and routinely does, what he or she knows to be right before God because all aspects of his or her person have been substantially transformed." p. 226 
"Devoted constantly to prayer ... Devote our lives to the service of others." p. 196
Enemy receptiveness and blessing for all p. 196
Fourth element is an opening up of our broader social dimension to redemption. p. 196
Growth in Grace. p. 160 Gospel of Grace p. 196 
"Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day." ~ Dallas Willard
It is time to change our focus, individually and in our Christian groupings. If we as Christ’s people genuinely enter Christ’s Way of the Heart, individuals will find a sure path toward becoming the persons they were meant to be: thoroughly good and godly persons, yet purged 
of arrogance, insensitivity, and self-sufficiency." p. 25 
"Joyful with those who are rejoicing and being sorrowful with those in sorrow." p. 196
"Keep the pathway open to the house of reason and go there regularly to listen." p. 125
Letting love be completely real...Living in harmony with each other
Most adequate biblical description of what the details of a spiritually transformed social dimension. 
Not being haughty, but fitting right in with the “lowly” in human terms. Not seeing yourself as wise 
Opening up of our broader social dimension to redemption.
Putting On the Character of Christ... Providing for needy enemies (196) ... Pause to contemplate
Quiet your soul and your body, and let them get clear of the fog of daily burdens preoccupations p. 264
Rejoicing in hope ... Redemption..."Reciprocal Rootedness in others" p. 179

"Self-control is the Steady capacity to direct yourself to accomplish what you have chosen or decided to do and be, even though you “don’t feel like it.” p. 127 "Serving the Lord with ardent Spirit and all diligence. p.195
"Think for a moment what it would be like to be part of a group of disciples in which this list was the 
conscious, shared intention, and where it was actually lived out, even if with some imperfection... Its 
effect on the community would be incalculable, as it in fact has been wherever realized throughout the history of Christ’s people on earth." ~ p. 196 Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard
Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ Ephesians 4 
VIM:Vision. Intention. Means - Chapter 5 p. 85
We must stand safe and solid in his kingdom. Work things out with God ...
"eXtend ourselves in blessing to all whose lives we touch." p. 197
"You were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), verifying what is pleasing to the Lord." ~ The Apostle Paul (Ephesians 5:8-11, par)
Zondervan Publishing House