Confession Club by Elizabeth Berg


"All around are broken people, doing the best they can. And getting better." p. 120
"But her she is. Not afraid of his afraid. " p. 147
Chapter names like: "Closer" p. 117
"Dinner Date" p. 83 "A Discovery" p. 170 "Decisions" p. 176 " Dome of Dispassionate beauty." p 208
"Experiments" p. 134
"A Favor" p. 30
"The Gift of Rain" p. 143
"Have Hope" p. 147
"In the Nighttime" p. 16 and "It's About Time" p. 41 "Iris is the phone, her voice a lasso, and my thoughts... I say yes to Iris coming; yes I say, come ahead." p. 206
"Jiminy Cricket" p. 201
"Kind of shedding of skins, not only at regular intervals as we age, but because of events and circumstances." p. 213
"Lilac Time" p. 59
"Man on the Run" p. 18 and "Making Her Way Back Home" p. 94
Nostalgic? me? ;)
"Obviate the usual stigma..." p. 74
Poem: "Inviting a Friend to Super" by Ben Johnson p. 207
Quiet p. 202
"Rules of the Club" p. 126
"Spill It, Girls" p. 3 "Surprise!" p. 180
"Telling It Like It Is" p. 212
"Unbeknownst to [John], she submitted a full-price offer on the place last week." p. 187
"A Vistor" p. 186 "The Value of Pie" p. 205
"Welcome to the Club" p. 50
"eXuded a kind of calm and kindness" p. 233
"You can't ask your children to save You, but they do anyway." p. 116

First graphic novel I have ever read...

"All creatures lived by daylight and slept by night, sheltering from the dark and cold." ~ The Moth Keeper by K. O'Neill
"Bigger than the whole Sky" Taylor Swift listen here
"Coastline Journey" by Mishka listen here
"Discovered that the desert at night was very cool and peaceful, with a quiet splendor of its own."
Enchanted Moon-Moths "Everything is connected." p. 70
From the night-flower tree, the villager would receive...
Gifts and blessings to make their life by night easier."
...He looked up at the sky...
"If you look through the eyes of the stars, I'm really nothing but a Moth myself..." p. 93
"I want to become a light for others... I want to hold my lantern up high for everyone..." p. 123
Job so important to our village- would keep me warm inside even on long, cold nights." p. 61
"Keep your latern held hig, young Moth Keeper." p. 5
Lioka... p 212
"Magic is a wild thing. It only flows when life is left to exist in its own natural way...
Night flower pollen...part of the rhythm of Nature existing in its own Natural way."
Other folks who were enchanted by the stories of life beneath the stars came from across the land to join the nocturnal community. " p. 8
Play as one in order to get by." p. 101
Quail lost track of time.. and eerie night-wind reached his ears, along with the sound of raindrops...
"Runaway Train" by Roseanne Cash listen/watch here
"...Surprised,  he looked up. The Moon-Spirit was crying...
Together they chose to forsake the sun and learn to live beneath the moon and stars." 
Under the stars p. 162
Vast, cold desert p. 116 "Village where each person holds the of another." p. 183
We live our lives surrounded by darkness... I want to try to be a light for others." p. 62
eXample in the United States is the Joshua Tree and the 
Yucca Moth p.58
new Zealand