Sunday, March 3, 2013

Absolutely Anything can
Be a motivator
Creative emotion - Contentment
DEAR God, thank you for...
Everything: "Yours is the light by which my spirit's born: you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”  ~ e.e. cummings
For my kid
Great movie! Perks of Being a Wallflower
Heaven likes to Help those who are trying to Help themselves
"I want to be content" said this to me 8:20pm Sunday 
Journal of well-spent moments
Knowledge of what I am capable of doing
Learning, Loquacious
Next step
Oasis of financial serenity
Providence: the protective care of God (or nature) as a spiritual power
Quirky - good word
Rite Aid list
Social anxiety-So plain-Simple- now what?
Thank YOU Jessica Kelly!!!
Unabashedly: boldly certain of one's position
Variables and videos such as
Wonder Woman theme used to be embedded here
"You know what kind of book I want to read? One like the one you keep in the bathroom for some reason. Why do you keep it in the bathroom anyway?"
Me: "So I'll actually read it everyday" :)
Zen throughout Sarah BanBreathnach book: SimpleAbundance


  1. Thank you, Mrs. Jessica Kelly - my ever present forever Learning Center tutor, for noticing my typo and knowing me well enough to know that, of course it was supposed to be DEAR God :) xo I love you, Jess xo
