June 18 thru 23, 2018

Adversity : is something we can’t change. Whether we like it or not, it will happen at some point so let’s just Accept that as part of being Alive! source
Belief : however, is something we can influence. [in his book The Happiness Advantage] Shawn [Achor] points out we often use the phrase “bouncing back” in the context of recovering from adversity. In reality, however, adversity is an opportunity to “Bounce forward,” to come out the other end a little older, a little wiser and with more self-knowledge around our strengths and self-trust in our resilience. We can shift our mindset around adversity and view it as a temporary circumstance and an opportunity for growth. source

Consequence : we can practice noticing what we tell ourselves about what’s happening to us and noticing how that influences our thoughts, feelings and responses.Cultivate a new mindset, and Create a new life.  source
Disputation : “Just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true.” In other words, our belief is just a belief, not a fact, and that it’s open to examination and questioning. Try asking yourself what the evidence for that belief is, whether the evidence is airtight, and how you would respond if you heard a friend using this reasoning. Ask yourself: what are the alternative interpretations of this situation? How else could I respond? If I were to view this situation through a lens of self-kindness, what would that look like? source"Don't Dance around the perimeter of who you are here to be. Dive in fully and completely." ~ Gabby Berstein

Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

"How would the greatest version of myself think, act, and feel? Be that person
Incredible JOY Facebook page:
JOYful Gestures • "When words are both true and kind, they can change the world." ~Buddha
"Knucklehead" is what the amazing 13 year old called Mike Rowe near the end of this clip. Adorbs!
Matthew 28:19 KJV Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  I saw this scripture this morning and thought about you." Thank you, Daphne Moore
"No garden truly blooms until butterflies have danced upon it." ~ K. D'Angelo
"Own your Own light and Let it shine!!" ~ Gabby Bernstein
Plant  Fairy, thank you, Charlotte
Quickening you fully in spirit. Ephesians 2:5

Video: "Take responsible for the energy you bring." Value the connection
What would it feel like to do great work and resonant with love consistently? Do that.

Xanthorrhoea? maybe not - I'll find out :)

Zest Bakery Stonington, CT

June 17, 2018

"A planting of God for the display of His splendor" Isaiah 61:3 and in this audio/video
"Becoming Children of Light" by Ted Nottingham listen here
Chapters 63-64 Isaiah : Prayer for Mercy and Pardon
Day of restoration, the Desert will blossom, the Lord will come, Israel will be gathered, and Zion will be built up. Isiah 35:2
Encounter the Spirit... Everywhere you go today.
Frederick Law Olmsted, quoted liberally throughout Nature Fix, wrote that viewing nature "employs the mind without fatigue and yet exercises it; tranquilizes it and yet enlivens it; and thus, through the influence of the mind over body, gives the effect of refreshing rest and invigoration to the whole system."
"God has given us the capacity to do what is right, but we have to find the things in ourselves that keep us from that promise."
Isaiah 42:16 "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them."
Jesus' mission statement
Karlfried Graf Durckheim: "The Path of Initiation" video
"Like anybody, I would like to have a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will.”
Martin Luther King, Jr quote strikes a cord each time I hear the "longer version" at the beginning of our Sunday service.

Oaks of Righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor." Isiah 61:3
Path of Initiation: The Wisdom of Karlfried
Quote at the end of The Book of Joy: "Relationship is the true proving ground spirituality... Joy ultimately is not something to learn; it is something to live in deep loving relationships with others.
Relationship and Community: The Greatest Joy" is the last chapter of The Book of Joy
"Somebody who displays the Splendor of God." min 6:00
This is the cake for GSE celebration of Chuck Sullivan's Birthday

"...Up in the air / alive and well / saved in the blessed / space between / the ceiling / and the floor." ~ "Survival" by Chuck Sullivan
Vitamin C : amla, citrus, and many more: guava, kiwi, red bell peppers, papaya, strawberries, Brussel sprouts, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, peas...
Wisdom treasure : "The Watch of the Heart: Conscious Presence" by Ted Nottingham
eXplore, eXperiment, and enjoy!!
"Yet [grace] is at the heart of creation." listen to Ted Notingham here
Zest for life... coming back to essential self and the true purpose of life

Mid June 2018 : powerful spiritual connections and messages

"Ancient ones of Eastern Christianity speak of grace-filled people..."  min 1:30 Amazingly gifted young teacher (part of Jess' introduction :)
Becoming Partakers of the Divine
Carry a light within that radiates out as an unconditional love which is so rare that it is not of this world, and yet, it is at the heart of Creation." min 1:32
"Experience of grace is the is the immediate encounter with the reality of Divine presence."
"Grace is the immediate encounter with the reality of Divine presence... Grace the infinite power of the 
 Goodness of the living one making itself know, making the impossible, possible." min:150
Holy receptivity to its guidance and direction as well as gratefulness for its protection." min 4:00
"Inexplicable gratitude and Joy, even in the midst of pain and uncertainty." min 1:23
"Living current of God, running through the material world." min 2:31
"Made known to receptive hearts."
"New person we thought we could never be." min 2:11
"Open the door and let yourself be found." ~ Karlfried Graf Durckheim
"Praying is just talk and when you talk, every word you say must be acceptable in front of God. Let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable. ... You make sure you pray continually, so that every word you say, God agree with it." ~ Bob Marley
Quality of consciousness that is grace-given... Quietly absorbed and contemplated in order to be understood"
Reference that which cannot be put into words ... Remembrance of God in a Spirit of devotion
"Starry moments... where life is experienced so vividly that one feels connected and therefore at one with all things of life." min 2:40
Ted Nottingham's Doorway to Spiritual Awakening This one is my current favorite
"Unconditional love that is not of this world, and yet it is at the heart of this world..." min 1:40 
"Vividly at one with all things of life... unexpected gift from another dimension." min 2:50
"We must do the ground work to increase the potential for these wondrous experiences in our lives." min 3:10
eXperience of Grace
Yet it is at the heart of creation
Zen of Tennyson: "Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and Spirit with Spirit can meet- Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet." ~ "The Higher Pantheism" 1869

Feeling.... Inspired!!

Abundant beauty
Break up ridgedness
Cleaning the space... Cohesive 
Discover or Distill the main uses, talents, and flaws 
Form is harmonious... one Flaw, straight need something to help “Force to slow down”
Graceful, natural curves "Garden Design" video
Highlight talents, Harmonious, Honest in two ways: materially and in its form
Intuitive Inductive design
Just do it! Create interest with pictures and labels, create tea Jars w labels
Kauai Farmacy Tea Lanai: beautiful
Let the space speak: 
Making our own existence special 
"Natural, sinuous, design"
Objective: Orchestrate Order and interest with rhythm and theme
Private haven... Plants provide for
Quieting down
Reimagine the spot to Retain interest and harmony 
Siloe Oliveria: Suburban Homestead... Sepping stones
Transform (again and again) into a place of beauty and practicality 
Use what's available
What is it we want the space to ‘say’? “Welcome”
eXplore further: gardening is about eXperiencing and reacting to a place...excited to see how the space will turn out, this year 
Yarrow in one of the brightest spots in the Martin Garden right now
Zooming in and Zooming out, then zooming in again.

Spring? not feelin' it in my step...

And now I am :) I began creating this post while struggling with return to this home in Raleigh, 
After a lovely visit home to Mom, and found I need to get "back" to Abiding in Christ and to see that we are never NOT connected and together.  "Acknowledge the truth that sets you free" min 7 of this piece
Being who I am at my core, renewing my faith in me, and in God, and realizing we are one, and isn't that what Spring is all about?
Consciousness, the power to be aware, the power to Choose, is what we truly are. lesson 8 at 1:50
Ceaselessly aware... Creation flowing through a field of awareness ... Changeless lesson 10  source
Deep Prayer by Ted Nottingham min 22 "The Jesus Prayer" One learns to pray ceaselessly in every moment. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Breathing in, breathing out, conscious of ourselves, conscious of our need, invoking the sacred... a manifestation of God's Grace in us, a flowering..." if you'd like, you can listen here
"Emotionally Enmeshed" is something I'd heard more than 2 decades ago, that makes so much more sense to me now, so NOW I can heal even more deeply
First breath deeply the presence of the Holy Spirit
"Greater things than these shall you do." I have now heard this quote (from the Bible) no less than three times in the last few days.
"Here I am free. Heaven is now." listen here - well, you could, if I had remembered to add the link ;)
 thank you for sharing this Maura Tink
Joy of Joining with Jesus, with Abba, Father, why? first min of the Way of Mastery, Lesson 8
"Kerplunk, Kerplunk, Kerplunk" I've used this for "K" before, but I must plop it here as well. Lesson 8 min 27:30

"No longer fear the power of your infinite create union with God." lesson 8 - ripples :)
Operating such that your presence is deeply rooted in Our inner sanctuary
 Purification through fasting 6/3/18
Quality of vibration/ Quality of thought that I allow myself to keep repeating in my mind... Quiet the mind
Reasons why we do what we do Rather than automatic. while I do not Remember where I heard this, it is still a Reminder of why I am practicing more and more, quiet mindfulness. 
Reality Remembered Remain with me. Lesson 11 min 8?
"Spring, which germinated in the earth, moved also, with a strange restlessness, in the hearts of men and women. As the weeks passed, that inextinguishable hope, which mounts always with the rising sap, looked from their faces." ~ Ellen Glasgow The Miller of Old Church
"Teach only love" - True peace is hidden within <- 8="" end="" lesson="" of="" p="">
"Union so powerful, so mysterious and immediate, that the mind cannot comprehend it." lesson 8 1:30 "Unlimitlessness" lesson 8  min27:30
Vibrational field on which... Lesson 11 Way of Mastery - somewhere beyond min 4
eXtend my treasure which is what? I made a note about this on Sunday, where is it now?
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - C.G. Jung
Zanaiia - Christie Lee and Veronica Johnson's summer student worker. 


All motion is relative. Maybe it's you who've moved away by standing still.” ~ Jerome Lawrence, Iherit the Wind
Bridging the gap
Cartwheeling Through Life 
Dill umbels looks like "Fireworks". See "U" below

Fantastic amount of Fireflies

Mimosa tree flowers Make some delicious cold brew tea!
Neighborly sharing of raspberries
"On life: “As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life — and travel — leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks — on your body or on your heart — are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt.” Anthony Bourdain ❤️
Poppy Perspective
Quotes shared by Kristen on Facebook: “Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom... is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go.” ~ Anthony Bourdain ❤️
Reading: the Bible, Companions on the Way by Gunilla Norris, and The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
Sunday Service has now become Cary Lifepointe Church. Thank you, God.
Thank you, Kristen xoxo for sharing those Anthony Bourdain quotes.
Umbellifers: Cilantro as it becomes coriander, and the magnificent "fireworks" of dill
Vines in my home garden are a bit
Wild, but, "One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making...
eXciting discoveries." ~ A.A. Milne
Yesterday, I was given my 90 day eval. I have never felt better about being in the "right job for me at this time" in my entire life, even though though that mantra has been in the back of my mind for about 25 years, thanks to a dear friend who has assisted in a number of transitions.
Ziti - I love playing Scrabble with friends who don't mind my sporadic play, and remember to turn "zit" into "ziti" :)