Oh NOW what??

Awareness. All we have to do is Accept
Bring awareness to the NOW
Day 13 - Deepak and Oprah 21 Day Meditation Challenge
Experience an inner state of strong healthy Environment
Feel my Free spirit and then express it through LOVE
Give love and undivided attention to the NOW
Highest self always NOW Honesty. always. NOW
It takes practice. now.
Jump in and do it! Now!
Key to renewal is being in the NOW
Listen with my whole self. LOVE
Mystic: a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect." yes!
Nutrition, light, breath, earth, meditation, and great sleep
Obfuscate (ˈäbfəˌskāt) verb past tense: obfuscated : render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. synonyms: obscure, confuse, make unclear, blur, muddle, complicate, overcomplicate, muddy, cloud, befog "mere rationalizations to obfuscate rather than clarify the real issue" bewilder (someone). "it is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them" synonyms: bewilder, mystify, puzzle, perplex, confuse, baffle, confound, bemuse, befuddle, flummox 
Practice. Living. In. This. Moment.
Questions: keep asking better ones
Rise up. Release the past. Renewal is in the present
SET my vision: LOVE and give it my complete focus. Stretch reinvent and renew
Trust this now moment.
Understand the requirements
Vision is the foundation of my future
"Wait, What?" - Stop and really listen. Wisdom Whispers
eXpand? eXpand my life and double my love? and allow it to grow eXponentially?
You will very soon see how that will help

Earth day is EVERY day

Bill Nye Saves the World : Season 1 Ep. 1 "Earth is a Hot Mess"
"Curiosity is part of what makes us human; it's drives us... it's the essence of science"
Day 12 Deepak Oprah Meditation Challenge
Energy of hope is opening me up to clarity, calm, and power
"Get still. listen. Give the min permission to do what it wants to do." ~ Deepak
"If we think together and work together, good things are gonna happen" ~ Bill Nye
Joy of discovery! ~ Bill Nye Season 1Ep. 1
Karlie Kloss - Supermodel, Northwestern grad? and Bill Nye's co-host
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea / My love as deep; the more I give to thee / The more I have, for both are infinite" ~ Romeo and Juliet (2.2.133-135)
Nature, it starts to reveal an extra quality. This is the true blessing of shimmer...that the unseeable depth can touch us completely with its aliveness...lean in, it's the shimmer of Spirit emanating from life that permeates our worry to renew our aliveness." Mark Nepo p. 97 Endless Practice
Oprah Deepak Meditation Day 13: "My Choices uphold and support my life."
Present life. Practice living in this moment. Day 13. Renewal
Quiet the mind, and let the REST fall into place all on its own. this means you, Mom xo
Release the past and its imprints. Reclaim the present moment and Rise up. Renewal just IS!
Set vision for my life. Set it? I had not thought of it that way. 
"There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem." ~ Booker T. Washington
Undivided attention to the activity in front of me at this moment
Valerie Lorimer's art:
When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.” ~ David Orr
Xanthorhiza simplicissima
Zach Braff is in Bill Nye Saves the World Season 1 Ep. 1

Shifting focus by walking in the light

 true story :)

Behold! first strawberry of the year!
Crazy Cool Columbine
Darling Daisies at Dusk
Enough is Enough. Enough already.
Found: Flat Fork
Green Grass Growing and Glowing: 
"Holy Flow" love this ... a state of synchronicity
"Join with me by moving ever yet deeper... Join with me now in perfect peace." ~ The Way of Mastery Lesson 11
Kale Keeps coming abundantly
Lovely Lavender
Making the most of a gorgeous evening
"One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day" ~ Albert Einstein
Pay attention ... Practically Perfect Pea vine
Quiet the mind of all thoughts and find the gap into which God can enter
Rest in that gap
Salixfaerie: "Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed." ~ Mary Oliver
Tobacco? yep: Flowering Tobacco Nicotiana "terrifically fragrant (especially at night) and are wonderful in attracting hummingbirds as well as fascinating hummingbird moths." click here for more info
Until the next morning when they opened to the sun and Patty Blackwell took this goregous 
Visual : 
What a difference (less than a day) makes!
eXperiment and eXperience the beauty all around us.
Za'atar (Arabic word pronounced ZAH-tahr, also means "thyme"), but I use fresh oregano for a vibrant twist. "There's more fragrance and life with fresh herbs." ~ Chef Silvena Rowe click here to read article

Inspired Self

Auric field is the energy field that surrounds my body. click here for article
Be you therefore, a wise gardener. Cultivate a deep love and respect for yourself... until you have loved yourself wholly by having purified the mind of every erroneous thought you have ever held—until you have loved yourself—you do not, in truth, love anyone or anything. Save in those brief moments when you let your guard down and the Love of God shines forth through you so quickly you do not even know what happened! The wise gardener cultivates a state of consciousness in which the Love of God is unimpeded.” ~ The Way of Mastery : Part One: The Way of the Heart
Committed to heeding every obstacle that Comes me and my goals: Love, peace, joy and happiness.

Escazu Artisan Chocolates:
Freedom is love under all conditions"   The Way of the Heart: Book Three: Lesson Twenty Seven
Gotu kola Sambola (salad): 
Henry Ward Beecher: "The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world's joy."
"I saw a beautiful butterfly in flight / And how it enlightened my life. / For one bright, fleeting instant, / I forgot about my problems and strife... click here for more  by
Joseph T. Renaldi
"Kitchari is the perfect way to cleanse your body and bring balance to your diet. It is a combination of beans, basmati rice, and digestive spices that is easy to prepare and brings delight to both your body and senses. This time tested formula, centuries old, is a complete protein, rich in fiber, cleansing to the digestive tract, and will act to bulk up stool for easier elimination." get justine's recipe from Mom's e-mail again?

Mom :) found it - again :) 
Neutrality is one of the keys to realizing that absolutely everything is interconnected and how I perceive and communicate is my choice, and how I place meaning and value, and therefore begin creating separation and fear. Book One. Lesson Nine.
"One of Us" by Joan Osborne: click here for video
Pebbles cause ripples. Choose carefully. min 27:30 of this video "kerplunk, kerplunk, kerplunk! 
Qualities of consciousness. Day 8 : Today I Activate My Hope - Deepak Oprah Meditation
Remember that the truth is truth always. Rest in simplicity
"Simplicity" by me: 
Turning Doubt and uncertainty into Hope. The Treasure is worth knowing and communicating
"Vibrance" also by me: 
When I am crystal clear - like Water - I realize I am in love just as a fish is in Water
eXperience each and every moment fully in a lived eXperience
Yesterday was Matthew's 20th birthday, and the anniversary of John B. Law, Jr's birth as well.
Zest is getting ready for Easter: 

April - Awarenesses

Be. Here. Now.
CSA Day prep: 
Doing what I am called to do.
Everything is a web of relationships
Fear is like a contraction, squeezing the life force, but! in reality
Great reality and Great awareness, in this lived moment is all that is 
Honeysuckle - one of my favorite flowers and scents: 
Intimacy - so deep - it cannot be broken. I alone choose my pebbles and therefore my ripples
Joy, humility... pure love
Love - an action verb, a noun, and a state of being
"Meditation really means—feeling—the Active Presence of God." ~ St. Germain, 'I AM' Discourse IX
"No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives."   ~ Louise L. Hay
 Oh the path....
Path of Peace
Radiance so bright...
See everything as a dance of energy with curiosity and wonder without any fear.
The Way of Mastery: Book One: The Way of the Heart lesson 1 here 
"Unlimitlessness, kerplunk, Perfect Love, kerplunk, Wealth, kerplunk, kerplunk kerplunk!" ~ Lesson 8 Dropping pools in the pools of Awareness  27:33
"We are here to love each other. That is why you are alive. That is what life is for." ~ Maya Angelou
eXpanding awareness through my eXperiences ~ The Way of Mastery Book 2 : The Way of Transformation: Lesson 13
You are perfect. You are consciousness animating a human tree.
Your tree is perfect. The roots have twisted and turned, breaking through the rocks, clutching underground mountains of earth to hold steady against the wind of life’s storms.
Your trunk has thickened and barked to hold the weight of a million choices and an ocean of emotion.
Your limbs have stretched toward the light of the sun--love, inspiration, creation.
Your metamorphosis as sure as photosynthesis. As long as the sun shines!
Your consciousness is perfect. It is the mirror upon which perception is cast, reflecting scenes of time in the play of eternity. It is the thinker aware of its thoughts. It is a piece of the all-light, of Source, shepherded in your heart until upon singularity it will return. It is nothing you can clutch with your hands, but yet it is there--the light of a firefly or the breath of a buffalo in winter.
You are perfect. You are a spectrum of color in the cosmic kaleidoscope.
You are an instrument playing a note in the universal symphony.
You are a facet of an infinite diamond. The infinite flaws creating flawlessness. Without your own unique shape and color, your own unique sound, the masterpiece of creation would be incomplete.
You are perfect. Everything is perfect. ~ Aubrey Marcus

Sacred Geometry - 28 March 2017

Alchemy came from the study of sacred geometry and the 5 platonic shapes
Beginning to remember
Christ Consciousness about 42 mins in and the Creation image 
DaVinci's Vitruvian Man
Evolution of consciousness; Egg of life structure
Flower of life  Fruit of life. Fabric of the details.
Genesis pattern; Golden ratio 
Hexagons are everywhere in nature and in life. see minute 15 of the video below
Infinity in Images is Incredible throughout this entire video
Junk DNA? minute 46 crystalline beings at our core
Levels of Consciousness discussed at about 40 mins in
Metatron's Cube : 

Now more than ever, it is important to live in my heart "for the heart is the center of unity consciousness... The heart is a place of unity... The gateway to the Divine"
Om and its frequency and vibration are powerfully related
Platonic Solids: 
Quick Coherence Technique is a great way to learn to live in your heart. 
Sacred Geometry images are SO cool
Toroidal and Torus "how life ought to be...openly practicing giving and receiving. Allowing our nature to be toroidal transaction of energy bringing everything together harmoniously."

Understanding all of these connection 
Vesica piscis is a shape that is the intersection of two disks with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each disk lies on the perimeter of the other
"We are remembering... We are just required to learn how to use what we came here with"

eXtremely cool images
Yes, everything is connected

Zona pellucida :  outer membrane of cell