Still squeezing in reading

"A shiver ran through my booted feet, cold in the snow, and felt - that curious rapture..." p. 42 Georgia: A Novel of Georgia O'Keeffe  by Dawn Tripp
"Believe. Believe Believe." p. 54 Toothiana, Part 2: A Queen Takes Flight by William Joyce 
Call forth an unseen spirit- to draw out what is..." 
"Dawn feels soft and kind." p. 31 "Don't assume you can bend the world to be what you know it should be. You won't win. Just come home." p. 56 Georgia 
"Each (tear) was bright with light and seemed to take the burden from his anxious heart...
"Fear and sorrow triumphed over make a powerful weapon." p. 55 Toothiana, Part 2: A Queen Takes Flight
"Holy - that moment. I've felt it in me since, everything turning into what it was meant to." p. 56 Georgia by Dawn Tripp
"Keep yourself open to that - that raw inspiration,  that madness,  that passion; you must let yourself be driven by that need." p. 116 Georgia by Dawn Tripp
Listen here to All Things Considered December 25, 2008  source
Matchless by Gregory Maguire 
"Not everyone can feel what you feel, or feel to the end of themselves as you do." p. 56 Georgia
The Sandman: The Story of Sanderson Mansnoozie by William Joyce
Pumpkin pie:
"Quizzical, silent, wary, strong." p. 66 Georgia by Dawn Tripp
"Rein in the chaos and fear to transmute an untenable form of beauty even as that world fell away." p. 29 Georgia by Dawn Tripp
"Something happened in that kiss, didn't it?" p. 20  "Silent point of reference that held everything tethered..." p. 28  ~ Georgia
"This is not a love story. If it were, we would have the same story. But he has his, and I have mine." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe
"Unqualified nakedness of statement." p. 114 "Unmitigated praise" p. 115 "Unformed electric nature of things" p117 "Vapor round her person" p. 114 Georgia by Dawn Tripp
William Joyce: The Guardians of Childhood books: 
 and this gem!
"eXasperating, really,  that I have to explain myself at all. And knowing at the same time this is my chance to do it." p. 129 Georgia by Dawn Tripp
"You have the chance to say something about what life is, and what it means to you." p. 25 Georgia 

ABCs of November 2023

As November closed, Another full day of 
"Busy" But!
Came home to find
Dinner outside our Door
Enough from two, but I ate most of itand will...
Finish it For Lunch on Friday
Gregory Maguire's Matchless: A Christmas Story is my next read
"I'd Rather Ride Around With You" by Reba McEntire
John helped get Logan home, and Janet helps us stay grounded at the office
Ken and Pat's fabulous family on Thanksgiving
Loving time with Lynette and the kiddos
Mom's Magnificent smile the advent box reveal reaction
New Hampsire with Mom 11/12/23
Stunning Sunrises
Thankful for Thanksgiving gatherings
 what a fun read!

Vibrant Violet
Wispy moonset
Xmas memories
Yummy coffee made with just a touch of pumkin pie "left overs" in mug from
 LiZ Yaro<-- worth the stretch ;)