Vacation - Day 1

Beautiful Breeze Beach Therapy
Chosing to Chill
Dog Watch for Dinner
Finally starting to relax
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more... a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ~ Melody Beattie
Haley Sharack's birthday - 10 years later 10/30/2023
Jackie and Mom visited
Ken's early class in the park: Divine Play
Mom's friends are fun
Near Napatree
Open air
Quality time
Stonington, Connecticut
Until further notice, celebrate everything
Valuable experiences
Whispering Woods Artist~Asako Eguchi
“We dance for laughter, 
 we dance for tears, 
 we dance for madness, 
 we dance for fears, 
 we dance for hopes, 
 we dance for screams, 
 we are the dancers, 
 we create the dreams.” ~ Albert Einstein

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