Oh NOW what??

Awareness. All we have to do is Accept
Bring awareness to the NOW
Day 13 - Deepak and Oprah 21 Day Meditation Challenge
Experience an inner state of strong healthy Environment
Feel my Free spirit and then express it through LOVE
Give love and undivided attention to the NOW
Highest self always NOW Honesty. always. NOW
It takes practice. now.
Jump in and do it! Now!
Key to renewal is being in the NOW
Listen with my whole self. LOVE
Mystic: a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect." yes!
Nutrition, light, breath, earth, meditation, and great sleep
Obfuscate (ˈäbfəˌskāt) verb past tense: obfuscated : render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. synonyms: obscure, confuse, make unclear, blur, muddle, complicate, overcomplicate, muddy, cloud, befog "mere rationalizations to obfuscate rather than clarify the real issue" bewilder (someone). "it is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them" synonyms: bewilder, mystify, puzzle, perplex, confuse, baffle, confound, bemuse, befuddle, flummox 
Practice. Living. In. This. Moment.
Questions: keep asking better ones
Rise up. Release the past. Renewal is in the present
SET my vision: LOVE and give it my complete focus. Stretch reinvent and renew
Trust this now moment.
Understand the requirements
Vision is the foundation of my future
"Wait, What?" - Stop and really listen. Wisdom Whispers
eXpand? eXpand my life and double my love? and allow it to grow eXponentially?
You will very soon see how that will help

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