April - Awarenesses

Be. Here. Now.
CSA Day prep: 
Doing what I am called to do.
Everything is a web of relationships
Fear is like a contraction, squeezing the life force, but! in reality
Great reality and Great awareness, in this lived moment is all that is 
Honeysuckle - one of my favorite flowers and scents: 
Intimacy - so deep - it cannot be broken. I alone choose my pebbles and therefore my ripples
Joy, humility... pure love
Love - an action verb, a noun, and a state of being
"Meditation really means—feeling—the Active Presence of God." ~ St. Germain, 'I AM' Discourse IX
"No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives."   ~ Louise L. Hay
 Oh the path....
Path of Peace
Radiance so bright...
See everything as a dance of energy with curiosity and wonder without any fear.
The Way of Mastery: Book One: The Way of the Heart lesson 1 here 
"Unlimitlessness, kerplunk, Perfect Love, kerplunk, Wealth, kerplunk, kerplunk kerplunk!" ~ Lesson 8 Dropping pools in the pools of Awareness  27:33
"We are here to love each other. That is why you are alive. That is what life is for." ~ Maya Angelou
eXpanding awareness through my eXperiences ~ The Way of Mastery Book 2 : The Way of Transformation: Lesson 13
You are perfect. You are consciousness animating a human tree.
Your tree is perfect. The roots have twisted and turned, breaking through the rocks, clutching underground mountains of earth to hold steady against the wind of life’s storms.
Your trunk has thickened and barked to hold the weight of a million choices and an ocean of emotion.
Your limbs have stretched toward the light of the sun--love, inspiration, creation.
Your metamorphosis as sure as photosynthesis. As long as the sun shines!
Your consciousness is perfect. It is the mirror upon which perception is cast, reflecting scenes of time in the play of eternity. It is the thinker aware of its thoughts. It is a piece of the all-light, of Source, shepherded in your heart until upon singularity it will return. It is nothing you can clutch with your hands, but yet it is there--the light of a firefly or the breath of a buffalo in winter.
You are perfect. You are a spectrum of color in the cosmic kaleidoscope.
You are an instrument playing a note in the universal symphony.
You are a facet of an infinite diamond. The infinite flaws creating flawlessness. Without your own unique shape and color, your own unique sound, the masterpiece of creation would be incomplete.
You are perfect. Everything is perfect. ~ Aubrey Marcus

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