Tuesday's Treat... "Unusable Words"

Auto-antonym : a word that is its own opposite, making them almost unusable. Click here for a glossary of auto-antonym, many of which I have used below.
Buckle : to secure, tighten, hold (by fastening), to collapse after being acted upon by an external force
Cleave : unify or sever—the butcher’s wife cleaves to the butcher, who cleaves the cow’s carcass
Dusting : When dusting furniture, this means "to remove dust from"; but when "a dusting of snow", it means to apply a small amount
Enjoin : encourage or prohibit
Fix can mean either "to mend" or it can mean "to break," as in "I'll fix you".
Garnish : With food, the verb means "to add to"; with wages, it means "to take from".
Handicap in golf is an advantage, but generally though of as a disadvantage or disability
Impassionate : Strongly affected or Without passion or feeling.
Junk-food : need I say more?
Keep updating as I learn more...
Let : allow or, as in the legal phrase “let or hindrance,” obstruct
Mosey : can mean to move quickly or to move leisurely
Now it is Wednesday afternoon - so... time to post!!
Overlook : oversee or fail to notice - or a scenic overlook
Pitch : [idiomatic] To discard. Also, to promote. example: "Obama Pitches Stimulus Plan" is ambiguous, though the "promote" meaning is intended.

Sanction can mean imports are either approved goods or contraband.
Table can mean either to raise an issue for discussion, or to lay an issue aside and discontinue discussion.
Unshelled as in "The eggs were unshelled", which can mean "The eggs had not been removed from their shells" or "The eggs were removed from their shells" (someone unshelled them). 
Vault can refer to either a small locked box, or the expanse of the heavens.

Inspired by : UNUSABLE WORDS BY 

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