New Week, New Month...

An Antoinette sighting! Wahooooo!!
Gain, Gather, Grow
Just be you. Everyone else is taken.

Labor Day Weekend
Manifestationz Yoga

Oh I am so very frustrated
Procrastination is such a killer
Quiet is good, but I know how much homework Elizabeth has to do...
Reading Beowulf with Elizabeth
"Summer days are gone too soon, shoot the moon, and miss completely..." ~ Norah Jones
Tracks by Robyn Davidson
Utopia, Australia - p. 83
"We come whirling out of nothingness scattering stars like dust. The stars made a circle and in the middle we dance." - Rumi
"You are the sky. Everything else - it's just the weather" ~ Pema Chödrön
"Zombie Outbreak Response Team" - spare tire cover I saw on the way to work one day.

1 comment:

  1. YAY ME! I was sighted: ) LOL! It's always great to see you & spend some quality time in fellowship, Jax.
