Sunday, April 21, 2013

Books, Books, and more BOOKS!
Claire, please sell our house today. Thank you.
Dear God, Please guide the buyers to their new home today. Thank you. Amen.
Elizabeth, please relax and know everything WILL be ok
Great things in store for us
"Have a sense of humor about the fact that your mind is like a wild monkey. " -Pema Chodron
I am ready to let go of the past and move forward
"Just" words? Never
Kim Sajkowicz Matarese's Birthday is today! 
Listening to Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Move forward
Open house today - hopeful 
Phlox - "Our souls are united"

Quiet Sunday morning, for now
Reading Peace and Plenty by  Sarah BanBreathnach
Slough of despond p. 253 : a state of extreme depression

Unveil to us that which needs to be done next

eXplore the eXtraordinary 

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