Tuesday, February 17, 2015 - Purnamidam

"Approach today with certainty, as you contemplate: forgiveness sets me free." ~ Deepak
Bubbling wave in a vast and Beautiful ocean
Commitment to the Collective Consciousness
"Essence of happiness: all will be will, no matter what. All IS well." ~ Oprah
Find balance and Fulfillment
Gratitude... Greatest fulfillment...Gentleness
Happy, vital and healthy lives
 "I walk in the light of my fulfillment."
Journey toward perfect health with Oprah and Deepak
Koans - questions meant to stimulate contemplative thought
Art by Artist Pamela Zagarenski
Now is the only time that matters
“Our true nature is bliss. That bliss is like the sun that always shines.” ~ Debra Moffitt
Pi-jaw : pious or moralizing talk or cant (British)
Quiet time with my pets
Reading and Relaxing
Sanskrit mantra: Sat Chit Ananda : Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
Take stock in a gratitude journal everyday, and don't forget to Thank yourself each day.
Unity consciousness... infinity Unbounded awareness... Upaya
We thrive in communion with others... We are all...
ineXtricably connected

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