Happy Tuesday - February 3, 2014

Align with your truth and then Act! Allowing your life to unfold with confidence
Believe in yourself... Begin from a starting point of happiness. Be Content.
Celebrate victory in the creation of happiness : Contentment
Essence of something Extraordinary
"Freeness" and also, Flexible Fierceness
Getting past the noise of those peaks and valleys that happen in all of our lives. 
Healthy norm
"I am content, just as I am." is my centering thought
Just the right amount of pith :) thank you Robert
Knowing that all is well and all will be well, no matter what. ~ Oprah
"Life didn’t come with a guidebook – we often write it as we go along, and sometimes we fudge it!" ~ Omvana
"Making the connection to your true self allows the imperfections, challenges and uncertainties in life to be transcend." ~ Deepak
Nature always moves to restore inner balance
Open to new possibilities and greet them optimistically.
Pure awareness. The Process of infusing your life takes time
Quiet joy of contentment can then be brought into everyday life by embracing all the adversities and uncertainties of life.
"Rejoice in the way things are.” ~ Lao Tzu 
Sense of acceptance and ease and find a level of being content. 
Transcend in meditation.  Transcendence isn’t mystical. It means going beyond the surface activity of the mind which is restless and conflicted to find the level of being that is content. At this level, you are happy to be here. Now.
Universe will meet you exactly where you are... Unfolding without struggle
Vantage point of pure awareness. The process of infusing your life with pure awareness takes time but experiencing inner contentment happens now.
"When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you." ~ Lao Tzu

eXalted level of bliss...   Existence is enough.
Yogananda: “Those who live passionately teach us how to love. Those who love passionately teach us how to live.”


  1. Replies
    1. Mom, I am so glad you find comfort in my creative expression :)

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed! It helps to be open to inspiration throughout the day :)
