Going with the flow...

"Abundance flows easily and freely to me." ~ Deepak: Day 3 "Confident Me"
   "Buttercup Bungalow"
Chose words and actions that bring happiness and success to others.
Days 2 and 3 of  Desire and Destiny Meditations with Oprah and Deepak Day 2 "Empowered Me"

Emanate in the world that which draws abundance and richness back to you.
Feel more deeply your powerful influence in creating ever-flowing abundance in your life.
Go with the flow and Get Elizabeth's
Haircut :) thank you Andie and Elisa
"I am a powerful creator."
Journey to meditation, practicing with our karmic resonance and cultivating equanimity in our lives, we release the past, awaken to the present, and take action to create the future we desire.

Karma: a tool to create abundance; Key to using the law of Karma or the law of cause and effect is becoming aware of the choices we make in each moment.

Nurturing my girl's Needs...New bedroom furniture for Elizabeth is on its way.
"Om Kriyam Namah : ‘My actions are aligned with cosmic law'." ~ Deepak 

Powerful law of Karma as an instrument for unlocking our potential and realizing our dreams.

eQuanimity: A Spacious Stillness of Mind by Barry H. Gillespie 

Release your thoughts and expectations. Release and allow ourselves to absorb the tranquility of mind, deep awareness and acceptance of the present moment found in the absolute stillness.

 Setting the intention to make choices that will bring awareness and success to others is a powerful choice.

 Unlocking our potential and realizing our dreams.
 When we are more conscious and present, we can choose actions and thoughts that nurture rather than hurt us. When we have a decision to make, it’s useful to ask ourselves which action is likely to bring happiness and fulfillment to me and everyone affected by my choice. 

eXpansive sense of freedom and hope.
