March forth! 1 March 2014

Anjali Mudra ~ Honoring the Journey
Be willing to Be still
Date with Destiny
For and extraordinary life, be extraordinary
Journey filled with awe
Kundalini Yoga : awakening kundalini energy through regular practice of meditation, pranayama, chanting mantra and yoga asana.
Let the Journey Begin
Moment of impact - Make a shift - Make it great
Progress = happiness
"Questioning assumptions and cheering for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty." ~ Shannon Grimes
Real Relationships Require Reality
"Saints, it has been said, are sinners who go on trying." ~ Aung San Suu Kyi
Taking Things to another level
Unearth the power within
Wacky Wisdom of Master Bah
Xena: Warrior Princess
Yoga teacher training is somewhere in my future
Zest and enthusiasm, indeed!! 

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