March 18, 2014 - Another Awakening?

Always do that which you are afraid to do
Brian Johnson on YouTube: "Philosopher's Notebook"
Create wealth by making Changes with Courage. Courage is the virtuous mean
"Discipline ultimately creates freedom...finding quiet time to be a guest in the sanctuary of our own hearts frees us in ways we cannot dream of or force into being." ~ Gunilla Norris
Emotions are the ultimate power
Fear is excitement with out the breath - Fear will dissolve
Giving is how we create more by Growing bolder
History is the emotion of the world. How can we utilize them?
It's the way we re-present our feelings - take into 5 sense and re-present how I feel.
John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim's Progress
Kill the scarcity; rid it from your life ~ Tony Robbins' Get the Edge
Learn from them and utilize them
Mary McCarthy ~ "We are the hero of our own story"
New stories being written every day
Opportunity costs
Pay attention to the stories and add Powerful meaning to my life.
Quiet the wanting mind, change the Quality of my life
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Start beyond scarcity with abundance!
Treasure your story...
Unravel the thread of attention
What stories am I telling myself? What stories am I telling you?
"You are the universe in ecstatic motion." ~Rumi.
"Zendo...In this sanctuary it is best to enter not only barefooted but bare-hearted." ~ Gunilla Norris

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