This week, so far... Jan 17, 2013

Bhagavad-Gita - Hindu "text" - actually 700 verse scripture
Days are getting longer... yeah!!
End of another semester (at Cary High School)
Flu shot
Intensity, Intimacy Indeed!
"Just verdant and peaceful" as heard on NPR this am
Kyudo: a form of meditation through archery p. 2 of ...
Like the Flowing River by Paulo Coelho
Mandy's blog "attualmente"

Tangled  - watching a movie with my girl
"Unfathomably juicy" ~ what my kid said about the burger I made for her dinner :)
Very nice to feel appreciated
When I am just doing what I do without
“Yesterday's fairy tale is today's fact. The magician is only one step ahead of his audience.” ~Anne Morrow Lindberg

1 comment:

  1. "Yesterday's fairy tale is today's fact. The magician is only one step ahead of his audience." I love this quote! Your posts are always filled with so many delightful bits of knowledge.
