Saturday regroup time

Awesome sunset
Booked hotel for MomoCon
Consternation: amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion
Dorcas thrift shop with my girl
Endless love without beginning made you sing. ~Rumi♥
Fresh ginger is the key to my new recipe for 
Ginger crinkle cookies
Halcyon days: Period of calm during the winter, when storms do not occur. 
Idiomatic: A period of calm, often nostalgic: “halcyon days of youth”.
Jinx - Just a good word
Karen's birthday box... almost ready
Love the Lorax
Mommy gave my "H" and my "I" for today :)
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao Tzu
Pinterest fun while Procrastinating PRAXIS Prep
Quality time with my daughter
Relaxing weekend now underway
Superfluous is a great word, don't you think?
Time to post
Unnecessary to wait for every letter
Very likely I 
Will fill in the rest later, or simply move on...
eXperiencing pleasure is how we say
Yes! to life with

1 comment:

  1. Regrouping is great. Assistance from the mommy is even greater. The otter photo? Well, that's just a WINNER!!!
