On the 7th Day of Christmas...

Sue Gager's 7th Day of Christmas
Saran Ban Breathnach's: "On the 7th Day of Christmas I give to my true loves...
the gift of  Beauty...

Autumn-Anemone - growing in same yards as the "winter sun"
Berry Blue Bubbly is made and in the fridge
Caravel of contentment... her triangular sails...
Divine Love sustains us.
Elizabeth coming back to spend the Eve with me!!
Fellow travelers
Go in peace
Homophony: from Greek(homóphōnos), literally 'same-sounding'.
Joy Be With You While You Stay Peace Be With You On Your Way
Kairos (καιρός) is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment).
Let personal passions stir your mind, body, and spirit.
Mondegreen: mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase in a way that gives it a new meaning.
Never forget that all you have is all you need
Overwhelming sense of gratitude
Poppies on my new travel mug are gorgeous
"Spiritually designed to take advantage of winds blowing from either side of real life..."
...The shadows and the light." (Triangular sails)
Zest for life!

“And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been…” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

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