On the 4th Day of Christmas...

Day 4 of the Humphrey Christmas Chronicles by Sue Gager Palmer

And on this the 4th Day of Christmas I give to my true loves: the gift of Simple Seasonal Pleasures...

Elizabeth still sleeping, I took the opportunity to read Tolstoy's "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" It was the most recent reading assignment for Ms. Jessee's 10th Grade English class and seemed important. It was. I don't normally read online, as it gives me a headache, but I did it for my girl and I do have a headache. It's ok though, because I don't know what else to do while I sit here and wait to hear how my cousin Bobby is doing. I feel that the news cannot be good. His body has quite simply given out after all these years of sadness and subsequent abuse.

A bath, peppermint tea, calls and texts from siblings, still at a loss as to what we can do for Mom, Uncle Bob, and especially Bobby T... God guided me to send a message to my cousin's best friend in Alaska. He will be flying to FL in a few hours, and due to arrive where he is needed about 6pm tomorrow evening. Thank you, God.  Garden therapy helped, as did a good lunch, a walk with Misty, and a trip to Trader Joe's for tonight's dinner and the ingredients need to make soup of some kind tomorrow. In the meantime, Princess Bride with my daughter and this prayer for Bobby...

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