On the 2nd Day of Christmas

I do believe it is time to be free of ABCs and allow randomness to lead to playfulness and discovery. Let me know what you think, ok? Taking a suggestion from Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance, I've decided to ease my "discombobulated mind" and give the gifts that really matter. So, on this, the second day of Christmas,  I give to my true loves: The gift of  Enthusiasm"
Unfortunately, since I'd been up for hours before Elizabeth, the Enthusiasm with which she was greeted proved a bit overwhelming. Deep breath, a moment in the rocker I've had since before she was born, a moment of sunrise and now... cartoons on Boomerang. After breakfast, shower, walk for Misty, store for groceries, and bread flour. Homemade bread in the bread machine, frosting for the sugar cookie house, and an attempt to put the roof on - epic fail:
but not really, since it made Elizabeth smile and it does taste good :)

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