Dec 4th through 10th 2016

Aunt Joan's 87th Monday, Dec 5th and today is Ava Rose's
Birthdays of December also include my Grandpa Thomason's on the 14th 
Coffee seems to be one of the most helpful substances I have found to ease my pain in the middle of the night, so last night I ...
Decided to test my theory and have a mug of Bulletproof coffee right before bed.
(I slept for 7 hours as compared to the 2-4 I've been getting for over a month now)
Ersatz : a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else; not real or genuine.
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” ~ Lily Tomlin
"Good" a bit of help from Jack Milgram will be part of a future blog post
How can you get your mind into your body, and how can you bring your body into your mind? click here

JC Raulston - great article - thank you Meghan
Key of patience opens the door of happiness Image: Irina Dzhul, Quote by Rumi
Move toward the light - sunlight
No matter what our pain or heartbreak, as long as we keep our hearts open to others, then New life will spring up around us" (111) ~ Marianne Williamson's Tears to Triumph
"Passion emerges when we've placed ourselves in service to that which is good, true, and beautiful - something important, something bigger than ourselves" (82). ~ Marianne Williamson's Tears to Triumph
Restore harmony where it had been blocked - the key? Forgiveness p. 91 ~ Marianne Williamson's Tears to Triumph
Sunrise gift from Sue:  Thank you, dear friend
"Training ourselves to Use our minds as Vessels of love" (110).  ~ Marianne Williamson's Tears to Triumph
When you’re anxious or worried, be patient. The key of patience opens the door of happiness. ~ Rumi 
Xmas cheer  Thank you, Angela

You rise.
You feel into the heart break and you let it burn.
You feel that burn, and you let its flames throw you 
up against the walls of your fear, 
and then you let it blaze through them.

You cry, you roar, you bellow.

You let it rip through and unclog your brilliance.

You beg to be unleashed, 

and you mastermind your own unleashing.
You let your Soul take over.
You allow the dismantling of your conditioned collusion 
with the world views that manage and minimize 
your magnificence.

You refuse to follow the crowd, 
unless that crowd are screamingly alive 
and activated on behalf of the life that lives us.
You find every gaze that meets you with
'I know - I'm awake - I'm here - and I'm ready' 
and you say YES.

You demand only your deepest authenticity,
the kind that electrifies, illuminates, lays waste to pretense, 
walks permission, cries loudly, renders shame irrelevant, 
chooses total, naked truth.

You recognize with every cell of your being 
that we are being called out of apathy and slumber,
to remember and rediscover who and what we really are,
living breathing elements of this Earth, 
fully woven into an intelligence 
that has evolved for billions of years,
with access to that intelligence,
with limitless potency,
if only we turn inside and reconnect...

You say yes to the gauntlet laid down.
You prepare to astonish yourself.
And then you Rise
And then you Rise
And then you Rise

And then we Rise.

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