Christmas Mass and more 25 Dec 2016

Adoration of the Magi or Adoration of the Kings

Beauty in the Borough : 

Church with Mom
"Divine emotion is beyond Description - a communion of unutterable sweetness with infinite grace."
Eucharistic Prayer: Jesus Eagerly Embraced His passion!
Father Perkins voice brought it all back (he presided over Dad's funeral service)
"Go in peace to love and to serve the Lord! Amen!!
In haste, the Wise men made their way to Bethlehem Luke 2:15-20
Jon and Selina's girls thank you xo

Kate's traditional family gathering photo Thank you for hosting, Sue
Luke 2:15-20
Merry Christmas
Nativity of Jesus 

"Our Father, who art in heaven," brought sudden and unexpected tears to my eyes this year
Peacock feathers and Peace

Quiet times too
 Thank you, Ken and Lindsay
Sock Monkey Socks and Sunrise this am 26 December 2016
Thank you for the socks, Angela :)

This video is beautiful : Faith Hill's Where Are You Christmas? Thank you, Mom, for everything
Unity Consiousnsess and Sacred Union and enlighten the Ego to this, Christ energy, love and wisdom of the Great Mother. ~ Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

Videos of Jessica's 4th Birthday, Dad and sons golfing, and family at Napatree was a hit
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Merry Christmas from Jeremy, Angie, Xan the kitty, and Amminadab the Christmas tree!

"Zeal of God" a great reminder during 7am mass on Christmas morning

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