Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Absorb ourselves in fun, relaxation and play is pure alignment with spirit." ~ Oprah
Being alive!!! 
"Creation is said to arise from a sense of playfulness or enjoyment, not to carry out some deep, serious purpose that only God’s infinite mind can understand. " ~ Deepak 
Embrace joy, spontaneity and fun. Expand
"Fizzy, effervescent energy that wants to bubble up spontaneously."
Great surprise, still making me smile
I haven't written back yet, but I will....
Keep your spirit expanding.
Language of your soul affirming your purpose... Live in Joy, with Lila, the spirit of play.
Messages of the universe reveal themselves in some of the most magical ways. 
"No matter how old you are, you will be young at heart if you know that play renews the spirit."
PLAY is Pure alignment with Spirit. Play renews the Spirit. 
"Questions knock on the door of eternity, at which point only the Creator can answer them for you." ~ p. 43 The Book Of Secrets: Unlocking The Hidden Dimensions Of Your Life by Deepk Chopra
Relax, breathe, renew your playful spirit. Release the Lila inside you.
See and experience the world through the magical glasses of play and the world lights up. 
Today, experience the subtle energy, a vibrant tingle that makes you want to go out and play.
Unleash that power through play.
View of "The Village" in the snow - my home town... Stonington, CT

When we let go, when we take the time to renew, When we honor the value in play, we become more open and receptive, more alive than ever." ~ Oprah

 Yoga Snowman for my Yoga friends and family in New England