Tuesday, Jan 6, 2015

Awaken to the wisdom center. Attuning to the light of knowledge
Born with an open heart
Consciousness... Connecting with our true nature
Day 6 Finding Wisdom
Ego Elimination... Experience... Embrace the vision
Finding Flow. Finding...
Grounding us to the earth
Heart Has Had glimpses of being at one with nature
Insight of the heart. Inner awareness. Infinite love and beauty. Infinite potential
Joy and true love
Knowing directly what needs to be said and done
Living expression of energy
My wisdom is within
No Need...
Opening up to the truth... "Our wisdom self allows us to see from our soul." ~ Deepak
Pure love, pure intelligence and pure creativity... Pure light, that is me.
Quiet. Trust in the flow of innate understanding
Recapture this openness
Sahasrara Im I am pure awareness.
True essence unfolds from the grounding energy of the earth...as we reach for the stars
Universal cpnsciousness
"Visualizations for Peace of Mind and Wellness" by Doctor Pain Relief
eXpression of pure light
ZEN TIP: “Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” ~ Francis of Assisi

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