Cartwheeling through my first blogging tour

My blog differs from others in its randomness. As a friend recently commented:
 "I love to see where your head space is." ~ Sue Gager Palmer
I enjoy expressing the emotions of my day, or week, in a way that those closest to me can feel.
I never know quite what will emerge, only that it must be expressed and freed from my thoughts.
What I find interesting is that even when start to veer off, the ABCs keep coming back.

So, I create this blog in order to turn my thoughts, heart and soul inside out and upside down.
As I go about my day I make notes, mostly mental notes, but occasionally I put them to paper, or pull up a working draft of my next blog post - or one I will do at some point in the future.

I asked a number of friends to join me on this virtual blog, and since only 2 were able to commit, I decided to include my new project as my third, which answers the first question last. [I told you I like random.]

You will find all three in my ABCs. Enjoy!

Antoinette Dickson writes: "If I kept a diary, my blog would be an all-access pass into its contents. A Serendipitous Sojourn blends my life experiences and personal observations, producing poetry, prose and random musings that make the truths of my journey available as a resource for others in search of their own truth. I would love to have you join me along the way." Visit with Antoinette at A Serendipitous Sojourn.

Blogging and cartwheeling Because... a cartwheel a day keeps the insanity at Bay. 
"Compassion is the taproot of all flourishing." ~ Julia Cameron God is No Laughing Matter
"Discernment involves acceptance of often difficult realities." ~ Julia Cameron God is No Laughing Matter
"Favorite Fiery Friend, the phoenix" by Jenna Austin
Honored to be included in this blog tour : a book/blog for my daughter, Elizabeth, who recently celebrated her 18th Birthday. I've kept journals for many years chronicling joys, struggles, lists, pictures and highlights of her childhood. When I discovered she is not able to read my handwriting, and that it was not because of my penmanship, but because the schools stopped teach cursive, I decided to go through those journals and glean from them what I really wanted to share with my daughter and discard the rest.
Krazier and Krazier
Love adding music when the mood suits me
Naturalist, environmental educator, horticulturist, herb crafter, and forest guardian - Mandy Smith
Orchid from my upstairs folks is gorgeous

  “Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success” ~ Sivananda Saraswati
Quiet Sunday morning
Reading, Relaxing, creating, and soon - off to yoga for some Rejuvenating!
Unfurling - love that word
Virtual blog tour - what a great idea!! is brought to us by The mythological creature named Jenna Austin
Who came into the World clutching a pen in one hand and a paintbrush in the other.
 Equal parts Wit and Whimsy,
she leaves splashes of color wherever she goes.
 She was once described as a citrusy vodka drink.
When she isn't writing or making art she can be found playing fetch with her cat, Mowgli
 end note...a glimpse into my "other blog" :)


  1. "So, I create this blog in order to turn my thoughts, heart and soul inside out and upside down." This is one of the things that I love the most about your blog, Jax! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this blog hop with you.

    1. Thank you, Antoinette, and you are very welcome - hope it has been a good week.

  2. The way you express yourself is delightful!
