Interesting... and a bit random

A group of Antelope is a herd, ok, kind of boring, I know
But! Bloat of hippopotamuses, now that's amusing, and they get Better... 
Covey of Quails
Dule of Doves
Elk gather in a gang
Flamboyance is a group of flamingos
Giraffe gather in a tower
Hedge of Herons
Iguana gather in a lounge (hence the expression "Lounge Lizard")
Jellyfish? a smack! :)
Kindle of Kittens
Leap of Leopards

Murder of Crows (and the one that inspired this post)

Nest, Nide (Nye) or bouquet of pheasants
Owls? a
Quiver of cobras (I know I'd Quiver)
Rhumba of rattlesnakes
Shrewdness of Apes
Toads hang out in a knot
Unkindness of ravens
Volery of Bird
Whales and Walrus? both pods
eXaultation of larks
Yoke of oxen


  1. LOL! By the time I got to "Giraffe," I was singing...

  2. GOOD! I was afraid that one would be too dull, but then, I had so much fun writing it... I hope it would be entertaining for SOMEone else :) I've been so bloggy lately that I have 7 drafts going at once right now :)

    1. I love it! I've been everything EXCEPT bloggy:( I really miss having my own laptop, but soon...

  3. Have you ever seen AN EXALTATION OF LARKS by James Lipton?
