Summer 2022 - Gratitude, Peace and Contentment

Allison visit July 21, 2022, picked up right where we left off... lifetimes ago
"But you spare all things, because they are yours, O Ruler and Lover of souls, for your imperishable spirit is in all things!" Book of Wisdom 11:26-12:1 qtd. Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr
Contentment and "Cool Love" by Pablo Cruise and "Cool Change" by Little River Band
Dear friends and Dragonflies
"Each morning that we’re given the chance to admire yet another rising sun, is an extraordinary gift...  
"From the moment we open our eyes, exquisite blessings surround us, waiting to be witnessed.  All we have to do is gaze upon them. As the years of life pass, it is quite common to keep our eyes on the horizon..."
God has given such grace and given life so abundantly and so broadly - who am I to stand in God's way?" Acts 11:17 qtd in preface of Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr 
Heather Laidlaw 50th birthday party with Ken, Sept 3, Mom & Dad’s Anniversary 
Jackson Browne's "These Days" listen here
"Known for issuing her opinions with the bark on..." read Dr. Elizabeth Vann's full obit here
Lynette was "Home" for about 6 waking hours, but we made the most of the time we shared 
Mary Johnson (and her hubby and pups) met me at  Stone Acre Farms
"New kind of knowing" p. 60 Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr
Old Friends
Priscilla's Sunday morning class on the beach was a beautiful blending of souls
 thank you Priscilla and Ken too
"Quest to survive and succeed, we look ahead to what is often just out of reach – our next goal, a new career or pay raise we are waiting for, relationships we are dreaming of, maybe even the weekend fun we have planned. Focused on the destination. A great Indian poet...
Rabindranath Tagore, wrote… “If life’s journey be endless, where is its goal?” The answer is: It is everywhere." Deepak Chopra, Desire and Destiny Meditation Day 10 - FB post August 25, 2015
"Softly comes the rain at last / The sound of someone walking - no ... dancing on leaves" ~ Gunilla Norris On the Wing: Lyrical Moments, A book of Days with paintings by Toinette Lippe
"There is a truth that lives within us that will be with us forever" (2 John 2). p. 2
"Utter honesty"Buddism allows no compromise or softening of this essential message" There is a self that has to be found and one that has to be let go of or even 'renounced' (Mark 8:35; Matthew 10:39, 16:25; Luke 9:24; John 12:26). p. 3
Vann, Elizabeth, Meredith College memories and Martha Fonville: "I concluded that it would take a very good man to be better than no man at all, and I never found him." ~ Dr. Elizabeth Vann - Meredith College Class of 1917
"Written from the most tender depths of a healing heart exploring themes of love, loss, grief, loneliness and self-worth." source: Zara Bas Poetry
Xavier Rudd - "Follow the Sun" thank you, Susie
You don’t choose a life, dad. You live one.” ~ The Way
Zara Bas Poetry on Instagram: