December 7-8, 2014

A wise guide to lead the way Along an Authentic path filled with Authentic beauty and power
Desire and Destiny meditation journey, Days 7 and 8
Experience of an Epic quest
"Fearless me"
Going deeper

Kendall Keeps my company while I meditate :)
Let go of struggle and resistance
Meditation on any one of these images for as little as 2 mins, and breath...
Now move from preparing for abundance to creating a life of abundance
Open more deeply into the NOW
Peaceful support of the natural rhythm
Quest this week is to discover and cultivate our true purpose and destiny
Release what no longer serves us
Sanskrit Mantra: So Hum: I am. Strength
Trust in Spirit to Take us in the right direction
Unique and inherent heaven on earth
Vicks VapoRub, my new faVorite analgesic 
eXpect miracles - especially this time of year... allow for eXpansion

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