Advent Begins by Celebrating where I am right now...

Art of Allowing
Becoming aware of how are choices create our world. Better timing, Better ideas
Care about your thoughts
Don't face the reality that produces within you a vibration that prevents you from your own well-being."
Equanimity cultivated each day through meditation, creating a new life vibration
Feel really good more of the time. Focus on the beauty of the whole
"Gratefully, we weave the Golden thread of ... Joy into our tapestry of contentment." ~ Sarah BanBreathnach
"Hey, gotta go!" is the very best response to any negative people you encounter.
Impulses are better
Joyful simplicities for December include: decking the halls and enjoying the festive foods!
Karmic resonance - release the past - create the future
Love. Let it in.
More at peace when My actions are aligned with cosmic Law
Naps too! "Nightscapes" by Sarah BanBreathnach: "Dreams are illustrations...from the book your soul is writing about you." ~ Marsha Norman
Oh pooh! the video was deleted from YouTube - I really must remember to include titles...
Path of happiness and joy and feeling good 

Reduce level of Resistance. Release thoughts and expectations
Shift our karmic presence by inviting the state of equanimity into our lives
Thoughts of least resistance
Ultimate "to do" list:
Vanaprastha ashrama : yoga pearl #767/1,001 - I'm not nearly ready for this stage of life yet :)
We are the masters of our own destinies
eXistence, consciousness, bliss mantra: Sat Chit Ananda
Your thoughts project vibration

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