A to Z with Deepak Chopra

All Possibilities, Authority, Absolute, Affluence, and, Abundance
Better and Best. This is also called the principle of highest first.
Carefreeness and Charity: Carefreeness automatically leads to charity and sharing because the source from which it all comes is infinite, unbounded, and inexhaustible.
D stands for dharma. Each of us has a dharma, a purpose in life. When we are in dharma, we enjoy and love our work. Offer that purpose, and supply is guaranteed.
E stands for Exulting in the success of others Especially those who consider themselves your Enemies
F stands for the Fact that in every Failure is the seed of success.
G stands for Gratitude, Generosity, God, Goal, and Gap.  God is the ultimate role model and the Goal is in the Gap and the Gap is a precise mechanism through which all desires can be manifested.
Step 1: You slip into the gap between thoughts. The gap is the window, the corridor, the transformational vortex through which the personal psyche communicates with the cosmic psyche.
Step 2: You have a clear intention of a clear goal in the gap.
Step 3: You relinquish you attachment to the outcome, because chasing the outcome or getting attached to it entails coming out of the gap.
Step 4: You let the universe handle the details. It is important to have a clear goal in you awareness, but it is also important to relinquish your attachment to the goal. And the goal is in the gap, and the gap is the potentiality to organize and orchestrate the details required to affect any outcome.  One of the easiest and most effortless ways of slipping into the Gap  is through the process of meditation.
Happiness and Humanity: We are here to make all humans we come into contact with happy.
Intent and Intention: It is to make an unchangeable decision from which it is Impossible to go back. It is singlemindedness of purpose. With fixity of purpose not countermanded by any other conflicting desires or interests. In order to acquire wealth—or for that matter, anything in the physical universe—you must intend it, make a decision to go for it. 

Judging Not Stands for the fact that it is not necessary to judge. When we relinquish our need to constantly classify things ... we experience more silence in our consciousness. Our internal dialogue begins to quieten when we shed the burden of judgment, and it is then easier to access the gap.

Knowledge – organizing power is inherent in Knowledge. Knowledge of any kind gets metabolized spontaneously and brings about a change in awareness from where it is possible to create new realities.
Love and Luxury. Love yourself. Love your family. Love everybody.  Love the world. Also adopt luxury as a lifestyle. Luxury is our natural state. Adopting luxury as a lifestyle sets the preamble, the preconditions for the flow of wealth.

M stands for Making Money for others and helping others Make Money. Helping others make money and helping other people to fulfill their desires is a sure way to ensure you’ll make money for yourself as well as more easily fulfill your own dreams.

No to Negativity
O stands for the fact that life is coexisting of all Opposite values... and Opportunity and Open and honest communication.
Purpose in life and Pure Potentiality

 Question dogma, Question ideology, Question outside authority. It is only by questioning what people take for granted, what people hold to be true, that we can break through the hypnosis of social conditioning.
 Receiving is as necessary as giving. To graciously Receive is an expression of the dignity of giving.
To graciously receive a compliment or admiration or respect also implies the ability to be able to give these to others.

Spending and Service. Money is like blood; it must flow. Hoarding and holding on to it causes Sludging. In order to grow, it must flow. Otherwise it gets blocked and, like clotted blood, it can only cause damage. Money is life energy that we exchange and use as a result of the Service we provide to the universe. And in order to keep it coming to us, we must keep it circulating.

Transcendence, Timeless Awareness, Talent Bank, and Tithing. Without transcendence, life has no beauty. In order to live a full life it is necessary to go beyond all boundaries. As the Sufi poet Rumi has said, “Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. My experience of transcendence through the practice of meditation gives me an inner stability and silence that is not overshadowed by any activity. That silence stay with me so that no outer experience can overshadow the awareness and experience of the self. Timeless awareness is in the heart; it feels.

In order to maximize creativity and offer the best service, it is good to develop a talent bank or a coterie of individuals with unique and diverse talents and abilities and whose individual talents, when added together, are more than the sum of the parts.
Tithing means giving away a certain portion of your income without conditions or strings attached. When you give, a vacuum is created that attracts even more of what you have given away. As Emerson said, “Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar.”

U stands for Understanding the Unity behind all diversity. Unity consciousness is a state of enlightenment where we pierce the mask of illusion which creates separation and fragmentation. We experience unity consciousness when we are in love, when we are with nature gazing at the stars or walking on the beach, listening to music, dancing , reading poetry, praying, and in the silence of meditation. In unity consciousness, we slip through the barrier of time into the playground of eternity.
 Values: truth, integrity, honesty, love, faith, devotion, and beauty. Rabindranath Tagore says, “When we feel beauty, we know it as truth.”
Wealth consciousness Without Worries.  Once, when we were discussing a world peace project with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, somebody asked him, “Where is all the money going to come from?” And he replied without hesitation, “From wherever it is at the moment.”
X stands for eXpressing honest appreciation and thanks to all who help us.
Youthful vigor. We experience health when our identity of who we are comes from reference to the self...then we keep our energy to ourselves...energetic... powerful, and we experience youthful vigor.
Zest for Life! It is to appreciate life in all its vitality and exuberance. It is to know that there is only one life that expresses itself in myriad forms. It is to know that I am that, that you are that, that all this is that, and that’s all there is. To see that life is to know that power is in the present moment.  Tagore once said, “The same stream of life that runs through the world runs through my veins night and day and dances in rhythmic measure. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth into numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of flowers.” He calls this “the life throb of ages, dancing in my blood this moment.” To be in touch with this life throb of ages dancing in our blood this moment, is to have
Zest for life. It is to face the unknown with carefreeness and freedom. The unknown is the field of all possibilities in every moment of the present. And this is freedom, beyond the known of past conditioning, beyond the prison of space, time, and causation. As Don Juan once said to Carlos Castaneda, “It does not matter what our specific fate is, as long as we face it with ultimate abandon.” This is carefreeness. This is joy. This is freedom. This is Zest for life.

“Creating Affluence” by Deepak Chopra

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