As Autumn Ends... Dec 19, 2013

Breakfasts with friends I love
"Could we become what Life wants us to be?" p. 92 Sheltered in the Heart
Disappointments are part of Daily life, so are Dreams
Feather out in possibility
Grace, if it is to remain grace, must be received as a Gift
Hope; Here our Heart's friend is so very Helpful p.91 Sheltered in the Heart
"Intimately touching the next possibility with thought and care." p. 92 Sheltered in the Heart
Joan seems more gorgeous every time I see her :)
"May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; the Spirit of Christmas which is peace; the heart of Christmas which is love." ~ Ada V. Hendricks
"Our core already knows something Our lives must discover." p. 92 Sheltered in the Heart
Playing with what if? p. 90 Sheltered in the Heart
Soul never thinks without an image ~ Aristotle
"Transformation can happen in an instant" ~ MNG
"Uncertainty is the birthplace of courage" p. 91 Sheltered in the Heart
Voice that imagines possibility p. 89 Sheltered in the Heart
"Work in manifestation is the work of human loves joined to the Great Love that always creates with us." p. 92 Sheltered in the Heart