Being Still...

Allow time for the stillness to enter.  AFTERnoon does not mean After everything else is "done"
Bath Before Bedtime now is so helpful
Consider "Cozy" to be a Crucial part of each day.

  Thank you, Suzanne, xo (currently walking the Appalachian Trail)
Fascinating Fundamentals of water and physics
Gerald H. Pollack's video: What is life-lecture

I've recently been referred to as "Holistic Hippie," and I am okay with that 
Just what I needed to hear:
"Keep working diligently and walking your pathing reminding yourself it's unfolding at the perfect speed in the perfect way, especially when it doesn't feel that way." 
Love you,
Meghan, Mom and Many others whose texts and Facebook posts help than you know
"Nature's nectar nourishes the butterfly and the gardener." ~ Meghan Natifa Kerr
 Image: Geir Jartveit

"Oh soul, you worry too much. You have seen your own strength. You have seen your own beauty. You have seen your golden wings. Of anything less, why do you worry? You are in truth the soul, of the soul, of the soul. ~ Rumi 
Peaceful warrior: Permaculture visionary Bill Mollison, died 24 Sept 2016 :(
Quora, a "new" tool I just stumbled upon
Rose from Carolyn's Collection
Spirit of a Hippie Facebook post:
Try again, and again to Take it easy... ah... meditation is the answer here
Unlimited power of the Universe is always there to support Us
Vita, short for curriculum vitae, is Latin for “the course of one's life.”
eXclusion zone water or living water is a very interesting concept that I am learning about
Your mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open. ~ Jordan Maxwell  ~ Art by Amanda Cass
Zone, what a great word, idea, and concept for remembering and staying in the Zone of peace, harmony, power and connectedness

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