Perhaps what does matter...

Perhaps what matters is that I get it. I am continuing to discover more about myself all the time and am on my own path of authenticity, no one else's, and it finally doesn't matter if anyone else "get's it".

For me, it's nice that some people closest to me "get me," but it is not a prerequisite to my happiness and sense of contentment. God wants us to be happy and to KNOW, at the core of our being, that that is ALL He expects of us. Everything else is man made, and ephemeral.

I will continue to "write my book" - in quotes because what I am really doing is going back through what has already been written, but with new eyes and smiling. I made it! I made it through to the other side and now my only job is to live each day to it's fullest and be the best me I can be! :)

I would have included favorite quotes from the books I've recently finished, but it's past my bedtime and I've already passed them on to their next reader. They were these Paulo Coelho books: Brida, The Witch of Portobello, The Zahir, and Eleven Minutes, and I sent at least two of them up to Meaghan Minogue as she recently moved to Vermont. Up until the last few months, I'd only ever heard of Coelho's The Alchemist, so it has been wonderful to discover these and others that are so different from that first encounter, but have had a profound effect, having come into my life at just this time.

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