Christmas is coming...

"Away Team in a Manger" by 
Bekah Jo ;)
Diamond Dust : ice crystals + sunlight = amazing images by Kameron Barge
"Each one of us has it in themselves to be a free spirit, just as every rose bud has in it a rose." ~ Rudolf Steiner
"Gratefulness is the only appropriate response."
"Health and Healing Technique" Chapter 10 of The Gentleman From Heaven
Information, but with filters: "podcasts and audiobooks" Day 23 the art of stopping time
Jan Ingenhousz's 287th birthday depicted in Google Doodle
"Longevity is the art of not dying." Learn more from Vincent Giuliano click here for more
Minor fight, Mutual stress, and Morning cold shock :) I really like this guy
Nrf2 "This is really good stuff!" turned on by plant based foods like bitter melon min 31
"Once in a lifetime, the suffering of fools Once in a lifetime, the suffering of fools / To find our way home, to break in these bones / Once in a lifetime / Once in a lifetime" ~ The Killers "Shot at the Night"
Plant Polyphenols : naturally occurring compounds found largely in fruits and vegetables 
"Root of joy is gratefulness ... It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful." ~ David Steindle-Rast
Simplicity, Elegance and Grace of Nature ॐ
"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."
~ Henri Bergson
"Untie the ribbon / The day is wrapped in love's foil / a gift to open." ~ Gunilla Norris
Walking the Walk at age 87 "inspired and endearing. click on the link above the picture for video.
Nrf2 is a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) protein that regulates the eXpression of antioXidant proteins that protect against oXidative damage triggered by injury and inflammation. referred to in "V"
"ask Yourself: "what is the greatest eXpression of myself I can be today?" ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
Zipper protein :) very important!

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