July begins... 2015

"All you need is deep within you waiting to unfold and reveal itself. All you have to do is be still and take time to seek for what is within, and you will surely find it." ~ Eileen Caddy
Creative power increases the more one-pointed you are.
Doing what I Do for the love of life-giving, soul-affirming Desires
Embrace and Expand the most fulfilling Experience of Love
Focus: "Faithful attention to your vision is what nourishes your desires and allows them to blossom" ~ Oprah
Give my attention to is that which Gives me life, and connects me to my passion and purpose
Harina (sanskrit) the state of attention focused on a desire.
If you’re sitting in the silent depth of the mind, focus comes easily. 
Joy awaits...                                                                          
Key to harnessing the energy of attraction requires being unbounded and focused at the same time. 
Life giving soul affirming Love is holistic
Magnificent opportunity to focus on My strengths. Mediation practice trains My attention to return to an easy focus.
Nourish Nurture Nature, some of my favorite Ns
Open heart meditation - Day 11: Om Kakini Namaha: I activate my love
Pure awareness fused with faithful focus is the magic that creates manifestation*
Quiet, deep focus comes effortlessly and naturally. Soul2Soul blog post
Reservoir of possibilities*
Sea Holly from Sue
The magic is contained in the coming Together of Two Things that seem like opposites.
Unbounded awareness reaches out and Unites with the infinite magnificence of everything that’s possible. ~ Oprah*
Vision: Sustained, faithful attention to your Vision is what nourishes your desires and allows them to blossom so unbounded awareness reaches out and unites with the infinite magnificence of everything that’s possible. ~ Oprah*
What you focus on expands... What you give our attention to is that Which fills you up... gives you life... connects you to your passion and purpose, there is a Whole new dimension of joy awaiting you. ~ Oprah*
eXperiencing silent pure awareness in the gap where the mantra isn’t present eXpands awareness
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself you have built against it.” ~ Rumi
Zeaxanthin: a nutrient found in nature as colorants or pigment; also found in kale and in marigolds. It is found naturally in the body, predominantly in the eyes and brain.