July 6 through 9 - 2015

"Accepting the equality of all people in the eyes of God." ~ Deepak Chopra "Radiating Grace" 

Choose love
"Divine grace is unearned. It’s given freely by God or the Divine source." ~ Deepak Chopra
Everything that slows us down and
Forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. 
Gardening is an instrument of grace. – May Sarton
"Garden in the Sky" by Valerie Lorimer Contemporary Arts

John Joseph Law's Birthday is today and this is probably my favorite picture of him :)

Kevin Cashman says, ‘Purpose is Spirit seeking expression’.
Light-handed... light in your step, speech and attitude, especially in trying situations, leads directly to generosity of spirit...
Means that you lighten the burden of others and give from the heart. ~ Deepak "Radiating Grace"
Nigella stavia seed is variously called kalonji (from Hindi), fennel flower, nutmeg flower, black caraway, and Roman coriander. - Wikipedia

"Overflowing love, kindness, humor, appreciation - whatever your spirit has filled you with at that moment." ~ Oprah
Quality of mercy is not strain’d . . . it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.” ― William Shakespeare
"Radiating Grace" meditation with Deepak and Oprah... expressing power...
Surrender is the greatest and Strongest Super power and  Spiritual Secret is liberating.

Unconditional kindness of the Universe, the gentle power and serenity that lifts us up no matter what we’re going through." ~ Oprah

eXtraordinary Force that creates our rhythms and cycles and it is the very foundation of the energy of attraction.