Saturday, October 18, 2014

"After a windy night, I woke up to see that my neighbor's gazing ball had made a daring escape, rolling downhill into my yard, giddy with freedom." ~ Sarah Addison Allen
"Be a host to God, or a hostage to your ego. It's your 
Call." ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
Element - someone who has in their imagination the possibility that they can do ANYthing
For in that infinite assumption
Has to begin with our imagination
"Keep the peace in yourself." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Magnificent prosperity
No limitations
"Our higher self is perfect, omniscient and almighty, a fragment of God himself, a pure, transparent, luminous quintessence. The creator has planted within every creature a fragment of himself, a spark, a spirit of the same nature as himself. And thanks to this spirit, every creature can become a creator. Instead of always waiting for their needs to be satisfied by some external source, human beings can absolutely work inwardly by means of their own thoughts, their own will and their own spirit to obtain nourishing, healing elements that they need." ~ Omraam Mikhael Aivanov

"Passionately Present in the hear and now" ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Quintessence :  the most perfect example
Randy Pausch:

"Ultimate illumination (ineffable secret), the key to peace and power: You are God." ~ Uell S. Andersen

Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer
eXpect everything from yourself
Zen moments

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