Break down to Break through?

Thank you Melissa
"Dear God, please enter where you already abide. Dear God, what would you have me do?"  ~ Marianne Williamson
Even God rested on the 7th day
Four pillars: 1. Well Being 2. Wisdom 3. Wonder 4. Giving ~ Arianna Huffington
Gratitude journal - every day
Health and well being is more important and bigger than anything else

Japanese saying : "Notice that the stiffest tree is the most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending in the wind."  #584 of 1,001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom
"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." ~ Rumi
Marianne Williamson is still a true favorite of mine

Practice death daily ~ Socrates

Rumi - "Live Life as though everything in your life is in your favor."
Sent an intention for the day, every day:

 Trust life

"Use me, dear Lord, that I might know the joy of being used by you. Amen." ~ Marianne Williamson
Vedic wisdom. Values - truth - "when we feel beauty, we know it as truth." Tagor
“Wisdom.. is about applying everything we now know.” ~ Arianna Huffington
Youthful vigor - health - Yes!
Zeitgeist - the spirit of the times


  1. So true, sometimes one needs to dig deeper in order to break through.

  2. Here is what came to my mind when I read your comment, Mandy. digging sand tunnels at the beach as a kid. SO much fun to reach the other person's hand on the other side of that breakthrough!! :)
