Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Sunday October 12, 2014

Buddha dharma talks and meditation instruction
Go out there and find something beautiful!

How can we be nice to each other today?

James Baraz: "A Moment of Freedom: Interrupting Negative Thoughts."

Kendall just became my very first Instagram/Facebook post
Lost in thought or Here now are the only two choices
Mental proliferation: papancha
Nothing by chance. LOVED running into a dear friend on the greenway today
"Onward Owl"

Quest is in the Questions
"Rest in natural great peace this exhausted mind / Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thoughts
Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
In the infinite ocean of samsara
Rest in natural great peace."

Thank you, Meghan, Jamie, Kathryn, Karen, for our circle
Unconditional friendship with self - Pema Chodron
"Vow to let go of all worries and anxiety in order to be light and free." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
eXpansive sense of "I'm in charge of ... this soul
Yoga union: Yes AND Yes!
Zen Mama's tip of the day: