Happy Friday to you! Nov 1, 2013

Bye Bye October... you've been "Bewitching" ;) thanks, John
Cartwheels for Cornhuskin'
"Embrace the Ebb" ~ Sarah BanBreathnach
Find the Fun and Frivolity, especially on Friday!
Gallimaufry : a confused jumble or medley of things. p. 125 The Signature of All Things by
Elizabeth Gilbert

Inveigle : persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery. p.123 The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert
Keep the traditions alive
Listening to Cornhuskin' Parade from...
My cozy, dry office
Oh the ....
Quite content to listen,
Reflect and Respect
Souls recognize each other by the way they feel not by the way they look
Tenacious as in: "Any leaf that remains on a tree today could be aptly described as tenacious."
Valerie Randall provided the "tenacious" quote...
Write more later? maybe...

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