Music for a rainy day... 9/29/12 redo 6/28/16

After the rain... nearly four years ago...
Bake Banana Bread
Cary High School
Drama Club
Enjoyed making tie-dyed t-shirts
Food can be really FUN!
Gone Bananas - and yes, they are now GONE :)
Have to go back to Trader Joe's :) 
"I want to live where soul meets body /And let the sun wrap its arms around me /And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing." ~ Death Cab for Cutie
Lorax - always a good movie to watch with my kid
Madeline Kate will by 4 on Sunday - at the time of this re-do, she is now
Now she is Nearly 8!
P!nk - Glitter In The Air (GRAMMYs on CBS)
Quote from the movie Catch and Release: "Who do you tell your stories to?"
Rachael Yamagata ft. Ray LaMontagne ~ Duet listen here
"Shoop, Shoop Song" I never knew it was called 
"The Shoop, Shoop Song (It's in his kiss)" but it is.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Vonda Shepard's "100 Tears Away" is a new favorite since this originally posted.
Wind Beneath My Wings sung by Bette Midler
Sarah JarosZ's "Long Journey" is beautiful, and made me think of the journey ahead for my kid...

Positive Vibrational Energy

Autumnal Equinox 2012 - Abundance, Acceptance, Adventure
BIG changes
Deep sigh and trust the powerful workings of our sweet universe
Evolution, Embrace with ease, acceptance, and ...
Joy, Kindness
Light and Love
More light
Old emotions
Preparing Powerful gateways
Reviewing your progress regarding...
Seeds planted in the Spring
Transitioning Thurst
Vibration and Versatility

Monday, Sept 24, 2012

Artichokes (Globe and Cardoon)

Both light and shadow are the dance of Love.
Love has no cause, it is the astrolabe of God's secrets.
Lover and loving are inseparable and timeless.
Every moment is made glorious by the light of Love. Rumi.... ♥
Computer geek
English nerd
Face Fear
Galvanized Steel Bucket Grill from World Market - no longer available :(
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house.
Junior year... wow
Keep track of what I am planting and moving
Laura needs me "next time I'm wearing my Gerry hat"
My pockets are empty but my heart is filled with something close to Divine
New phone time
Order online: Elizabeth's school pics, new cell phone
Pinkish Purple Plant Peeking out
Quirt: a riding whip with a short handle and a rawhide lash
Rumi ~ "Leaf sounds talk together like poets making fresh metaphors."
Shake'm into Shape
Thanks Jennifer :)
Vitaballs - can't find'em anywhere - not even online :(
Whishing : to make a sibilant sound
... X, Y, Z

Sequestered Sunday - 9/24/2012

Artichoke plants
Banana Bites
Cilantro is in the ground!
Dahlia's need new spot
Early morning quiet with my pets
Fall Frenzy of ...
Garden ideas to
Inspired by Imperceptibly
Keep moving
Lovely Light
Mowed lawn...
Out of the corner of my eye...
Rest and Relax the muscles
Sphinx moth
Transplanting day
Vastly different 
Walked With Misty
Yard plaY

Random Ramblings....

Autumnal equinox
Birthday... Caroline Jean Law
Chasing pirates by Norah Jones
Darn water bill :( this is how I feel about you ...

Falling leaves cupcakes

Garden therapy begins NOW.... more later....
Half Broke Horse by Janette Walls
"It not an excuse not to do your job" over heard while getting my car worked on. I liked it
Jess, always so good to hear from you ...
Mendacious : given to deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth p.16
Papillotes : a greased usually paper wrapper in which food (as meat or fish) is cooked p. 18
Quotidian Kit
Reading and Relaxing
Smutch: : a dark stain : smudge - thank you Peter Fidrych :)

Vexed - always such a good word :) p. 16
Wendell Berry ~ "The life we want is not merely the one we have chosen and made.
It is the one we must be choosing and making."

So... How do I process disappointment?

ABCs of course!!!
Bummed But Believing in something Better
Cartwheels help
Garden therapy
Hummingbird visit cures Headache every time
"It just doesn't matter" ~ Meatballs (1979) YouTube video with Bill Murray
Just do it! ~ Nike
Laugh and ...
More later...
Now... relax
Randolph Henry Ashe: " They say that women change /  'Tis so But you are ever constant /  In your changefulness / Like that still thread / Of falling river / One from source to last embrace
In the still pool / Ever-renewed and ever-moving on / From first to last From first to last 
A myriad of water drops / And you, I love you for it / Are the force that moves And holds the form"
Simply? let it go...

Authentic Success

Aware and in Awe
Believing in myself
Cardinal at my bird feeder
Doing what is best for me
Enjoying a peace-filled morning
Going for it
Happy teens
Jibity - good word - see below
Mexican place
Need to get more coffee beans
On my vines are...
Passion fruits!
Quite content

An Island of Reality...

An island of reality
Celebrate Crazier
Everything works in your arms...
F.R.O.G. - Fully Rely On God
God job
IN$PIRED - license plate I saw recently

Keep it simple
Longish lunch?
New suit - love it! Nothing by chance
Plan ahead... then PLAY!!
Red Converse for Elizabeth
Sizzling September
Taste of Research
We the Kings concert with my girls

Turn, Turn, Turn...

All I Can Do by Tyrone Wells

Banana Bread is Baking
Cookies: Oatmeal Craisin
Eat breakfast
Feed pets
Homestuck Book 1
I am
Just doing what needs to be done
Karen has e-mail - yay!!
Mow lawn
Now Need Nap
Order #294545 TopatoCo
Potatoes and Pork loin for dinner
Quest: find Elizabeth's Cat Banjo and Kitten Noodle :)
Shopping with Elizabeth for Coplay costume
Target for everything else
Unmotivated to finish the rest of this blog
Vivify as in Jason Mraz' Butterfly
Words With Friends
Xi : the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet
You & I Both - also Jason MraZ

Change is in the air...

Adventure of the Argonauta Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote in Gifts from the Sea:

"... breathlessly still ebb tides reveal another life below the level which mortals usually reach. In this..."
"Crystalline moment of suspense, one has a sudden revelation of the secret kingdom at the bottom of the sea.
F8NMOTN - License plate I saw this week
Gifts from the Sea, and from my old journals
"How can one learn to live through the ebb-tides of one's existence? How can one learn to take the trough of the wave? It is easier to understand here on the beach..."
Intermittency — an impossible lesson for human beings to learn. "
Jourrnals from 2007 provided some the inspiration for this blog
La Douler Exquise!
Passing of Time
Questions for Ann....
Reached my limit...

There were no words left...
U-turn ahead?
Wrong Way? sometimes it helps you remember the right way....
Zingiber mioga

Sweet September - original published 9/2/2012

Angels. Alive to the moment p. 261 Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron
Balance. Become open to the muse and the moment
Cottonwood, Catkins, and Chicory
Discerning Diversity
Enthusiasm and "Emotionally nimble" p. 261 The Sound of Paper - What a great Expression!! :)
Free to Follow the muse... Finding Neverland
Gunilla Norris: "It’s September. Setting out to think about a subject and writing something about it every other day for a whole month seems daunting. Still any journey begins with a first step and then another. Left foot. Right foot. So why not make the subject this month be about journeying? I’m packing my bag!"

‎"He was my cream, and I was his coffee / and when you poured us together / it was something." ~Josephine Baker
Inspiration enters through the window of Irrelevance (p. 261 The Sound of Paper)
"Kay: I'm really lonely. And to be with someone, when you're not really with him can... it's... I think I might be less lonely... alone." ~ Hope Springs 
Miraculous Morning light (woke 2 teenagers at 6:30am yesterday:)   
Neverland, Natalie Merchant, Notice me! New day, New resolve,
Open to the world around me, Operation Rising Star
Particularity of PLAY!
Quite humid, Quiet patience
Sage Simplicity
"This is just a bit of silliness really" ~ Finding Neverland
Unique, Utterly exposed
Windows flung open in Whimsical Willingness :) "Why" by Annie Lennox
eXpressions of 
Youth-full-ness and joY
Zest for life!!