Ahhh... but what am I LEARNING?

I've been "Cartwheeling through Life " for more than a decade (more than 6 decades, actually) but
What have learned? Well, this week, I learned...

Always use this 
Beautiful Birthday gift, especially when walking on the Beach!
Confidence in God's plan and the power of prayer are helpful in every situation.
Dianne, thank you, for sending me everything that you did for my birthday xo
Ellen, thank you for calling Public Library of New London!
Faith in the power of prayer and confidence in God are really one and the same
God you are so, so Good, and this was certainly a faith-filled, Grounding experience
Have faith, and pray, Ask, and it shall be given: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7–8
Ideas come from the spiritual realms, be sure to connect with God first
Just before 7am an idea came : text maintenance supervisor and ask if Jack would be willing to be
Knight in shining armor... or a black truck. He was, and I am so very grateful.
Library card was the connecting "clue. It had only been back my keyring a few days, but thanks to Ellen and Savas (who found them at Guthrie Beach, keys returned about 12 hours after 
Misty  and I snuck on to their beach for this
New London Harbor sunrise shot

Opal? or the  Pearl of great price? Found this ring and 
Questions have been swirling around ever since
Savas and Sophia - So great to meet you both :)
Tom and Ellen too. Thank you all for being so very gracious
Using the beautiful Rumi quote bag every day now!
Video Ellen shared with me that Savas made for school project click here or below
What have I learned? We are all in this together!
eXperiencing a deep sense of knowing that God is wanted me to meet these people.
YouTube Commercial Ellen shared with me. Savas! You are an amazing person!
Zest for life! Before, during? yes, and especially since! so of course there were cartwheels!

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