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"Acceptance: the only place where change can begin."
The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a 
Changing World by 
Dalai Lama XIV, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams
Eight Pillars of Joy from The Book of Joy : Perspective, Humility, Humor, Acceptance,
Forgiveness: Freeing ourselves from the past
Gratitude: I am fortunate to be alive. Compassion and Generosity: we are filled with Joy (pillars 6,7, and 8).
Hearts discovered that we are something unique...
I have so enjoyed reading and listening to this lovely book, and sharing it with Annie 
"Join two of the most joyful people on the planet—who are also beloved friends—and share their hard-won wisdom of finding enduring happiness and Joy in the face of life’s challenges." source
Kindred spirits indeed!
"Live to please God" 1 Thesslonians 4
Metaphysics: above all things
Negativity is a barrier between a person and the Light
"Open the channels and God will do the work... Out of trust comes faith. Out of faith comes conviction. Out of conviction comes realization, and Out of realization comes revelation." source
Perspicacious: of acute mental vision or discernment. p. 12 Walking on Water by Madeleine L'Engle
Quietly do the thing that provides Divine supply which does the rest. source
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51
"Sense of purpose: is fundamentally about how we are able to contribute and be generous to others, feel needed and are valued..." ~ The Book of Joy
Truth is True always. The remedy for worry, doubt, and impatience is absolute Trust in God... Trust, at its highest level is the word of God become flesh." source
Until we trust God, we cannot have established true Unity with God
"Volunteering reduces the risk of death by 24%"
"Wise selfish" means seeing that our own well-being lies in everybody's welfare—in being compassionate. Compassion is good for you, the Dalai Lama points out, not just for those who are its object. And that’s his third point: The first person to benefit from compassion is the one who feels it.

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