Magnolia Walk, Feb 24, 2017 Meredith College

'Asian Artistry' 
Beautiful 'butterflies' are blooming all over campus
Cross pollination of Magnolia acuminata (cucumber magnolia) x Magnolia 'denudata' magnolia
Deciduous Magnolias are in bloom all over our beutiful campus
'Eternal Spring'  from Camellia Forest Nursery 
"Favorite" changes each year, and even week to week.
Glorious blooms everywhere today
Here are just a few of my favorites:
I recommend a nice long walk around campus to discover your personal favorites

Kewensis ‘Wada's Memory’
Laura Davidson enjoying the day, the walk, and the magnolias
 Liz in the 'Grandiflora' June 2011
Misty makes it tricky to get the shot sometimes, but we do love our walks together.
'Nature Buddy' gift, from my friend, Charlotte, March 1, 2016
"On this Day" Facebook memories from March 1, 2016
'Plant Lust' website is a very helpful resource
Quintessential southern magnolia is the magnolia grandiflora
Tepals are what the magnolia flower petals are actual called, and they are theorized to have evolved to encourage pollination by beetles. 
Unusually warm temps have brought these beauties out early this year.
Vulcan, aka 'Black Tulip' Magnolia: 
'Winter Blooming' Magnolia 
juXtaposition of .... I can't remember, but there was some great information shared
Yellows on campus include 'Goldfinch' and 'Butterflies' among others
Zen-like grace of the Magnolia Zenii

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