"Borrowing" : 26 favorite words from 'Reading the OED'

Sometimes when I am "trying" to purge and let go, I trip across something I'd forgotten about, and simply must enjoy all over again. Nearly all of this blog post is a cut and paste from a book review:
 "26 favorite words from 'Reading the OED' " by Carolyn Kellogg published in Jacket Copy BOOKS, AUTHORS AND ALL THINGS BOOKISH, May 2009 (see link at the bottom of this list)

Accismus -- An insincere refusal of a thing that is desired.
Bayard -- A person armed with the self-confidence of ignorance.
Compotation -- An episode of drinking or carousing together.
Debag -- To strip the pants from a person, either as a punishment or as a joke.
Exsibilation -- The act of hissing someone off the stage.
Fornale -- To spend one's money before it has been earned.
Gaum -- To stare vapidly.
Happify -- To make happy.
Indread -- To feel secret dread.
Jentacular -- Of or pertaining to breakfast.
Kankedort -- An awkward situation or affair.
Lant -- To add urine to ale, in order to make it stronger.
Misdelight -- Pleasure in something wrong.
Mumpsimus -- A stubborn refusal to give up an archaism, especially in speech or language.
Nod-crafty -- "Given to nodding the head with an air of great wisdom."
Occasionet -- A minor occasion.
Paradobre -- A defense against bores.
Peristeronic -- "Suggestive of pigeons."
Quomodocunquinze -- To make money in any way possible.
Rapin -- An unruly art student.
Supersaliency -- "The leaping of the male for the act of copulation."
Tardiloquent -- Talking slowly.
Umbriphilous -- Fond of the shade.
Vocabularian -- One who pays too much attention to words.
Wonderclout -- A thing that is showy but worthless.
Xsturgy -- a very rare word only recorded in 1592, meaning ‘the process of polishing’.
Yepsen -- The amount that can be held in two hands cupped together; also, the two hands cupped themselves.
Zoilus -- An envious critic.

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