September really flew by...

Albert Einstein quote captures the essence
"Be (Recapitulation And Farewell To Fletcher)" the song at the end of the movie I watched this morning maybe the one song that makes me stand up and shout/sing complete with arm gestures:)

Clarity, Competence, Confidence, Drive, and Power - Bulletproof Radio with Brendon Burchard
Dealing with the ways we hold ourselves down - don't wait for piano of purpose... Decide!
Expression of who I truly am
Fly! Find my own Freedom!!
Generate the emotions you do want to feel - Gratitude on a daily basis.

Infinity within the competence-confidence loop: - Intentionality : being deliberately purposeFULL
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Be on Youtube

Kind, compassionate, and happy
"Lost / On a painted sky / Where the clouds are hung / For the poet's eye / You may find him / If you may find him"
Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power by Brendon Burchard
No. A complete sentence.
Opus: personal freedom to express who I truly am
Peppermint cane grass on Meredith College campus
 photo by me :)
Quash: put an end to; suppress
Radish, greens and all!!
"Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see." ~Carl Jung

"...Until even the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides will seem no more than my just reward."
Vagueness creates self-doubt which is the real killer. ~ Brendon Burchard
"Wouldn't it be great if we could...?" What?
... far beyond my most eXtravagant dreams... ~ Og Mandino The Ten Greatest Salesman in the World
thank you, Maura. Perfect timing :)

Zealously inspect all things which enter my body, my mind, my soul, and my heart.  ~ Og Mandino The Ten Greatest Salesman in the World

JLS revisited - Sept 26, 2015

 A new perspective...
"A way of finding what's true" p. 107
Brave enough to fact the fact ... p. 111
... Come sudden from the unknown, arrows from a bow we've never seen." ~ Richard Bach p. 125
Despairs and victories p. 125
Enjoyed re-reading the whole book in its Entirety 
Finally picked it up again and for the first time... "Fun-Flying" p. 121
Gratefully, Gladly p. 111
Honest with themselves
"I don't care what the other gulls think about me." p. 110
Key - Anthony Seagull Knew it in the instant he said the words p. 111
"Lost in the perfection of his own flight..." p. 101
Mystery is part of the Magic p. 125
Nestling: a bird that is too young to leave its nest.
Official Local Student - translation: follower of dogma
Pointless is by definition meaningless Playing p. 121
"Questions hold us puzzled for years, and then a storm of answers come..." p. 125
Remember the dialogue from beginning to end." p. 125
Swirl images
Thinking blankly p. 111
"Writers swirl images to match the action they see." ~ Richard Bach p. 125
oddly eXhilarating p. 116

Always another season, another book, and another chance to grow

"...And the gift of the Challenger is yours..." p. 128
Choice Point : that sacred and bittersweet place p. 122
David Emerald's The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)
Each morning: sit quietly, invite guidance, affirm orientation, review choice, decide on baby steps
Forgiveness is giving up the hope of ever having a better past" p. 127
Humphrey Chronicles

Just asking the question shifts your focus toward what you want to create" p. 124
Keep asking yourself questions p. 127
Let go of the whole thing p. 131
"My intention was to connect with her, to bridge the distance between us. But the things I did actually drove us further apart." p. 132
Now: manifesting desired 
Outcomes p. 134
sQueeze, saunter, rest p. 142
Spiraling in to the Season

eXuberant squeeze as if she were a long lost sister returning home p. 142

As another season ends... Sept 22, 2015

Appreciation of Aggregates
Being open and taking Baby steps toward a new vision
Circulate, Communicate, Creator, Challenger, Coach
Disconnect and Discover Different quality of life
Empowerment dynamic
Financial sustainability
Increase in awareness results in Involuntary shivers of affirmation p. 94
Journey starts with the fundamental choice to live from Creator Orientation
Karman's Drama Triangle, not new 1968
“Magic Lessons” Podcast with Elizabeth Gilbert
"No such thing as a wasted baby step." p. 92
Open to it... Objective and detached enough to see reality as it is." p. 92
People Participation, and Productivity
Quality Questions: Am I creating consciously or sleepwalking through my life..." p. 118
"Reversing the youth and brain drain of Rural America..." ~ Mike Kwasniewski Civil
Seed Bombing video
TED* - The Empowerment Dynamic
Unpredictability spontaneously helps the twin sisters of synchronicity and serendipity p. 94
Vision: clarify by giving myself the time to get clear before I make another change
What if One Farm Raised (Almost) Everything You Ate?
eXperimenting with what's neXt
You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. ~ Rumi
Zuchetta Serpente di Sicilia - Serpent of Sicily. Sometimes called cucuzzi. Actually it is a gourd (it has white flowers rather than yellow like squash), but is grown and eaten like a summer squash.

Sunday the 13th thru Thursday the 17th Sept 2015

"Awakening to new ways of being" p. 10 of The Power of TED* The Empowerment Dynamic
BFOs - Blinding Flashes of the Obvious p. 10 The Power of TED* by David Emerald

"Ethics, it's a movement of people that starts with Ethics... Earth care, people care... return of surplus" ~ Geoff Lawton
Fresh From the Three Sister Community Garden
Geoff Lawton  "Come up with solutions that will supply all our needs" from this video arden
Howard Lyman, author of  Mad Cowboy : "I don't have all the answers, I have questions."

 thanks for the reminder, Angela

Joel Salatin: "I think it's one of the most important battles for consumers to fight: the right to know what's in their food, and how it was grown." ~ Food, Inc.

Kristen inspires me more often than she Knows: "People who enjoy exploiting people when they are down... generally are acting from ignorance as it is impossible to celebrate another beings misfortune when you personally have never walked a day in their shoes... Nor can be assured you have ALL the facts!"

Lutalica: The Part of Your Identity That Doesn't Fit Into Categories [video link]
Not just a little bit green
"Optmism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." ~ Helen Keller
"Permaculture is a system of sustainable living on earth that benefits ALL creatures." ~ Geoff Lawton
Quote by
 thank you, Irie Yoga :)
"The marvelous sound / That comes from the sky / I am That / The sweet fragrance / That comes from the garden / I am That / The great beauty That comes from the heart and soul...
 Until I leave . . . Wait..! I can’t leave I am That." ~ Rumi
"Vertigo of freedom" ~ Jason Silva Video

natural systems are eXtremely diverse
Yoga at 4 pm with Meghan. Yes!

Inspirations... and sharing what I see, learn and question

"All is Well" ~ J.K. Rawlings
Beet Kvass recipe at Mommypotamus
"Caretaker of Creation" ~ Joel Salatin, Polyface Farm
Essential prerequisite for an organic farmer: a deep passion for your work

Ignorance is certainly not bliss
"Just then [we] rounded a bend into a Jagged maze of sandstone blocking the path..." p. 14 David Emerald's The Power of TED* The Empowerment Dynamic

Kiwano (Horned Melon) is native to central Africa and a member of the melon and cucumber family,  It contains a green jelly with edible seeds and the taste is a combination of banana, melon, cucumber and lime." source

Make fun foods this weekend like lemon balm pesto and California quinoa

People, Pigs, and Poultry - enjoying learning about all this and more :)

Sue Gager Palmer recent quote/encouragement: "You can do it if you set your mind to it! (wasn't that a cheer?)"
Tarzan analogy: "True true entrepreneurs wouldn't hang on to the vine at all." ~ Peter Sage
Undulating its way into infinity..." p. 1 The Power of TED* The Empowerment Dynamic
"What is your WHY?" ~ Peter Sage
Xenophilius Lovegood explaining the Sign of the Deathly Hallows: There is nothing Dark about the Hallows-- at least, not in that crude sense. One simply uses the symbol to reveal oneself to other believers, in the hope that they might help with the Quest."
Yoga with MEGHAN at 4 pm todaY! YaY!!
ZenMamathank you 

Anniversaries September 1 thru 5

"Been writing and re-writing for hours..." 3 years ago today on my Facebook feed
Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion' - tag found on way in Gaddy side of rose garden

Facebook helped with this one by giving me tidbits from previous years on this day.
Happy September - Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad
I love my parents xoxox
Jack and Nancy Law

"Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving."  ~ Kahlil Gibran
"Mouths don't empty themselves unless the ears are sympathetic and knowing" ~ Zora Neale Hurston, Mules and Men
"Our essential purpose is always with us and is designed to be revealed and experienced over the course of a lifetime." ~ Deepak, Day 16, Desire and Destiny, "Uniquely Me" 
 "Quittin' Time" by Mary Chapin Carpenter was also on my "3 years ago today" list
Running throughout my life is a defining thread...
Uniquely Me meditation, Day 16 of Deepak and Oprah's Desire and Destiny Meditation series
Valerie Lorimer Contemporary Arts' "Happy September"
"When we recognize our purpose and our innate talents and share them freely with one another, we create a world of peace, harmony and love." ~ Oprah
eXplore, living our unique destiny in each moment.

End August with renewed sense of inspiration...

Abundant universe holds Absolutely nothing back. ~ Deepak - Day 11: Intentional Me
Believe in my own infinite potential and receive as much good, love, peace and joy as I Believe
Connect with infinite possibility, we open the door to our supreme destiny.

 Destination can be reached more quickly when effortlessly - take a Deep breath, relax...
Each experience then contains within it, a sense of awe, of wonder and potential, and knowledge that there is a reason and a divine design to your life.

"Forgiveness liberates the soul. It removes fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon." ~ Nelson Mandela
Good news : while uncertainty can be unsettling, it is also the source of our Greatest joy.

Invictus (2009)
Kimberly Williams inspired me to go to library and get Sara Gottfried's book.
Morgan Freeman as
Nelson Mandela
"Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole 
I thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud 
Under the bludgeonings of fate, my head is bloody, but unbowed. 
Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade 
and yet, the menace of the years finds, and shall find me, unafraid. 
It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll 
I am the master of my fate - I am the captain of my soul." Invictus by William Ernest Henley 

Plant the seed of and know ...clear and connected to our true purpose...surrender all of your fear, all of your anxiety, and settle into the expansive abundance and grace of the universe. 
Quote from Wayne Dyer posted on Facebook on August 30th, his last day on planet earth

Relinquishing all attachment to the result, you affirm your unquestioning belief in the power of your true self which is a divine expression of the universe." ~ Deepak, Day 13: Faithful Me

"Stay present with Strength and trust...make each choice with intention...Stay aligned with our true power." ~ Oprah
"Times change, we need to change as well." ~ Francois Pienaar, Matt Damon

Upstander: someone who is willing to stand up and take action in defense of others.

Valerie Randall, Wayne Dyer and so many others continue to teach me Valuable lessons

We need inspiration. ~ Nelson Mandela
eXpect more of myself

 on my screen when I went back to what I was doing after getting side tracked. I love it!